










1. 根据意思选词。选词前先要仔细观察方框中提供的词,明确每个词的含义,然后再细读文章。可以先从最容易的词入手,如介词、冠词、连词等,这些词的词形一般不发生变化,有些是固定搭配,然后再由简入难,逐一攻破。在填词时一定要注意词不离句,句不离篇,全面考虑全文语境。

2. 根据句子结构选词。有时只根据意思选词,容易出现连环错误。为避免这种错误,要从句子结构上来考虑。在一个简单句中,基本结构是主、谓、宾、定、状、补。如果句中缺少主语,就把目标锁定在名词或代词或有些可以变形为名词的词上。如需谓语则找动词,需宾语则找名词或代词,需定语则找形容词,需状语则找副词等。


通过分析近几年中考题,我们发现实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词和数词)常常需要变换形式。所以在选好单词后,要分析选定单词中的实词,确定其是否需要变换形式。比如,要考虑名词是用单数还是复数,动词是用不定式、动词-ing形式还是动词-ed 形式,形容词和副词是用原级、比较级还是最高级等。






in, follow, complete, but, discover, cat, day, request, where, disappoint

Long ago, only the cat had the ability to trace its prey by scent (根据气味追踪猎物). The other animals used their eyes (1)______ their prey. The dog wanted to learn the skill, so he went to visit the cat. The cat said yes to the dog's (2)______ and asked him to stay in his house during the lessons. After a few (3)______, the dog thought that he could use the skill and wanted to go home.

“You haven't learned the skill yet,” said the cat.

“(4)______ I have to go home now,” the dog said.

“All right,” the cat said. “You may go back tomorrow but not today.”

The next morning, when the dog came to say goodbye, the (5)______ wife told him the cat went out early in the morning but she didn't know (6)______ he went.

Actually, the cat hoped to test whether the dog had learned the skill. The dog started by (7)______ the footprints of the cat. However, the cat jumped from one rock to another and then hid himself (8)______ a tree.

The dog followed to the two rocks but he could not find any footprints there. He became (9)______. He kept going round and round the tree, but he couldn't trace the cat.

The cat watched every move of the dog. Finally, he said,“Look up! You have not (10)______ learned the skill!”

That's why the dog only knows how to trace its prey on the ground.



money, so, surprise, we, allow, like, win, success, spend, reader

Deborah Ellis loves to write. One day she entered a writing competition. Her story did not (1)______ the competition, but a publishing company (出版公司) decided to publish it anyway. The book was called Looking for X. She was very (2)______ when Looking for X won a literary award (文学奖) the following year!

In 1999, Deborah (3)______ some time in Pakistan, working in refugee camps (难民营) that housed mostly Afghan families. She heard stories of young girls who had to have their hair cut short and dress (4)______ boys in order to make money for their families. At that time, women in Afghanistan were not (5)______ to leave their homes.

Deborah wrote a book called The Breadwinner, a story about a young Afghan girl named Parvana. It became a huge (6)______ all around the world. Then Deborah’s father said he wanted to know what happened next to Parvana, (7)______ Deborah wrote another book called Parvana’s Journey. Later, Deborah wrote Mud City, a story about Parvana’s friend Shauzia in a refugee camp. All the (8)______ Deborah makes from the sale of these books goes to Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan, Street Kids International and UNICEF.

Deborah Ellis’s books have helped (9)______ better understand the difficult lives that many children are having. She said, “Children are a blessing (神恩) to all of us. They are also (10)______ responsibilities.”



perform, follow, international, feel, travel, they, danger, hole, by, how

One of the best films I’ve seen is 127 Hours. It was directed (1)______ Danny Boyle, a wonderfully creative English filmmaker and producer. The film came out in 2010 and was nominated (提名) for many (2)______ awards.

127 Hours is a drama about survival (生存). It tells the real story of Aron Ralston, a mountain climber who is interested in (3)______ through canyons (峡谷) using climbing skills. During one of his climbing trips in a national park in Utah, USA, Aron falls down a(n) (4)______ and is trapped (使落入险境) when a huge rock lands on his arm. The film (5)______ the story of how he fights to stay alive and save himself.

What I love most about the film is (6)______ one actor manages to hold our attention the whole time. It’s an excellent (7)______. We get to see right inside the head of the mountain climber, and (8)______ his fear and hope throughout the terrible experience.

This film really makes us think about the dangers of such sports and the courage of people who do (9)______. Anyone who has considered taking up a(n) (10)______ sport should see this film.



why, ancestor, among, where, almost, famous, protect, monkey, plant, begin, but, share

Madagascar is an island country about 480 kilometers east of southern Africa. It is (1)______ for its special animals and plants. There are many things in Madagascar that you can’t find anywhere else on Earth!

Lemurs (狐猴) are the most famous (2)______ Madagascar’s special animals. They are a kind of (3)______, and related to humans. Madagascar has flying foxes, bee-eating birds and huge tortoises. (4)______ all of the reptiles (爬行动物) and half the birds on the island are not found anywhere else.

Besides that, Madagascar has many strange and unusual (5)______. Among them, the baobab tree, the national tree of Madagascar, is the most unusual. There are eight different kinds of baobab trees on the island.

(6)______ does Madagascar have so many special animals and plants? Madagascar used to be connected to Africa. About 165 million years ago, it broke off from Africa and (7)______ to drift away (漂移). The animals and plants in Africa changed over time, (8)______ on Madagascar they didn’t change as much. The animals and plants have been separated from their (9)______ for millions of years.

Many of Madagascar’s special animals and plants have already disappeared. It’s necessary for us (10)______ what is left.


