03.06 英國不及時發佈新增病例引發公眾不滿




The British government has been accused of withholding information after a 70 percent increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases. UK health officials also stopped providing daily updates on the location of new infections.

Downing Street confirmed they were discussing plans to close the Houses of Parliament if the outbreak becomes worse. 36 new cases were announced in the UK on March 4, 2020.



Three of the cases were believed to have been infected within the UK, confirming fears the virus has spread in the community and government measures to prevent it have not been effective. A total of 87 people have tested positive for nucleic acid in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.




The government has reversed a controversial decision to withhold information about the geographical spread of the coronavirus, as people expressed their dissatisfaction online.

On Thursday morning, Professor Chris Whitty announced a U-turn on the decision, saying the government would provide daily updates but the information would be delayed by 24 hours to allow time for the government to verify sources.

A former director at Public Health England (PHE) said the weekly update on COVID-19 cases should be reconsidered. Updates on COVID-19 should be more transparent because the public has the right to know and to make informed choices from there.

It comes as the number of UK people diagnosed with the virus reached 116, a rise of more than 30 in 24 hours.

皇家伯克郡國民保健中心(Royal Berkshire NHS Trust )在一份聲明中證實:一名70多歲的女性患者先前曾因為其他病因入院治療,但於3月4日晚,這名患者新冠病毒核酸監測結果呈陽性。



According to the BBC, the Royal Berkshire NHS Trust said the patient was in her 70s and had been “in and out of the hospital for other underlying diseases.” She was accepted and tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Wednesday. Unfortunately, she died the next morning.

Meanwhile, the prime minister's official spokesman said it was "highly likely the virus is going to spread in a significant way."


世界衛生組織(WHO)剛公佈全球確診新冠肺炎3.4%的病死率,特朗普卻在Fox News節目連線中,憑“直覺”公開叫板:假的,“我看就不到1%”。


The World Health Organization has reported a 3.4 percent fatality rate for COVID-19 infections.

But in an interview on Fox News, U.S. President Donald Trump said it’s less than one percent, based on a “hunch” and conversations with people. Calling COVID-19 the “corona flu,” Trump said a lot of people infected with the novel coronavirus have mild symptoms, recover quickly, and do not go to the doctor’s, and are therefore not part of the official count, skewing the numbers.

Twelve people have now died from COVID-19 in the U.S., according to live updates from Johns Hopkins University. On March 4, 2020, data from the CDC showed that 49 out of the 148 cases had an unknown route of infection.

