01.09 股市投资的大道越简单越有用,如何赢在拐点


无论是大趋势的重演,小趋势的雷同,还是神奇的斐那契数列,它们都高 傲地矗立在股市里,在接受我们膜拜的同时或多或少给我们些许指引。投资者在惊叹股市奥妙的同时,往往有这样的疑惑:我们该如 何了解它,掌控它?

Looking back on the history of Stock Market,we find that history does repeat itself,but it rhymes.Whether repeated Primaries,similar Secondar y and Minor trends,or the amazing Fibonacci Sequence,they all stand on the top of stock market,worshiped by us,and give some guide more o r less.Investors are not only amazed at the mystery of stock market,but also doubtful that how we can understand and even control it?


投资收益很难有保证,更不用说盈利了;这样长期下去,结果可想而知。所以说,没有弄清股市中的奥秘,再多的方法不过是纸上谈兵。只有看清股市,赢在了拐点,明确拐点的“前世今生”,破解它的神奇密码,才能 在股市中立于不败之地。

What should be noted by us in the face of stock market?Investors are always capable of different opinions.Someone thinks it is safe to sell at tolp and buy at bottom in trends;however,most of them can't grasp the best sell points in spite of the best buy points.Hence,investment income is not assured,let alone the profits.If this persists,the result can be predicted.In short,no amount of methods is practical,which engage in idle the orizing,if investors fail to make clear the mystery of stock market.Only by understanding stock market,wining at turning points,whose Past and Present are explicit and whose codes are cracked,can we establish ourselves in an unassailable position.

俗话说“不见山高,不知地平”,只有经历了牛熊市的煎熬,只有真正体会到股市中的百般滋味,才能明白我们一直提倡的以 “历史行情为鉴”不应该只是一种观念,更不能拘泥于股市的表面现象。

投资者真正应该关心的是:通过某种媒介,能够系统、全面 地了解股市,读懂股市,从而掌握它运动的规律。这样我们不仅能够做到明明白白地投资,还有可能达到胸中有丘壑,涨跌知因果的 境界。


As the saying goes,"High mountains make the flat ground understood”,we only understand"Serve historical quotation as a mirror"always advo cated by us is more than a kind of concept,and teaches us not to remain in the surface of stock market.Investors should focus on making a syst ematic and full understanding of stock market,so as to master its operation law through certain media.Thus we can trade clearly and achieve"to know what to do in our minds,to know cause and effect of price swing".All in all.the opportunity of investment can be seized well by learning from the past,wining at turning points and establishing own system of study and investment.Despite changes of stock market,everything is in our hands·