【English baby


I'm still childlike ,孩子似的(簡單天真)

with childlike simplicity. 孩子般的天真

This is your baby,負責的項目

pass the buck,推卸責任

Baby blue,淡藍色

Baby blues,產後抑鬱


drink in this fresh mountain air.呼吸山裡的清新空氣

Under the table喝趴下/喝倒了

drive sb. to drink,使人焦慮,讓人心煩!

a little bit tipsy 微醺

enjoy yourself ,玩耍

You always make my heart beat faster. 心跳加速

I feel the same way. 同感


The film can't be missed , it is excellent. 不容錯過

Miss the train/plane,錯過

Miss the traffic/crowds,避免交通擁堵/人流高峰

Miss the money,發現錢丟了

you can't miss it,很容易找到


別灰心,Keep your chin up.

支持你,I'll back/behind you all the way.

隨叫隨到,I'll be available if you need me.

隨叫隨到,I'm a phone call away if you need help.

你真好,That's nice of you to say so.


Are you with me?

Are you following me?

Am I understood?

You know what I'm talking about?


five-finger discount,行竊,順手牽羊

If you rip me off, I'll come back and ask for a refund. 蒙我的話

That's over my budget 太貴了

I'll come by whenever you're ready. 過來


He is just what a young man ought to be 典型的好青年

sensible有見識, good humoured有趣味, lively活潑

so much ease大方, with such perfect good breeding十全十美的教養

see a fault 看出短處in anybody.

All the world are good and agreeable看得順 in your eyes.

speak ill of 說人家的壞話

They were in fact not deficient 缺乏in good humour when they were pleased高興


become iron deficient.= not have enough of iron.

nor in the power of being agreeable 和藹可親的(現在多用pleasant)where they chose 樂意it

but proud驕傲 and conceited(自負自大)

a respectable family體面家族

impressed on their memories deeply ,牢牢記住

their own fortune had been acquired by trade. 財產都是做生意賺來的

戒菸已四年,It has been 4 years since I smoked.

振作加把勁兒,He pull his socks up.

真遺憾好可惜,What a shame!