
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:騎著毛驢到處走 轉載請註明出處

Jd Coburn, I taught Acting at Playhouse West in Los Angeles and my own school in Seattle for 24 years. Since 1975 I ha...
I've worked with thousands of U.S. High School graduates over the last 20+ years and because of that experience, not a theory or some intellectual analysis, but because of my personal experience I can tell you that public school has become a social arena, merely, and not an educational one. I even asked one of my sons why he went to school and he answered, "To hook up."
There are always exceptions to what I will describe but the brutal truth is that teachers have to fight to maintain control of a classroom because students run things.
First Things First
The results we see from the public school system these days is NOT a failure on the part of the teachers to teach. Rather, there is a failure on the part of the students to want to learn. The strongest sense I get is that they feel entitled to their diploma as long as they show up every day and do the least amount of work necessary.
I sat in on some of my sons' classes and he sat in on some of mine. I asked him if he'd ever seen the kind of behavior that was prent in his classes, in any of MY classes. He said, "No way!"
In one class I observed, a High School science class, the students all milled around the room, laughing and joking and playing with their phones. For 20 minutes out of the 50 allotted to the study of science it was all the teacher could do to take attendance and try to get people to sit down. They never sat.
The difference between my classes and my son's classes was intent. People intend to learn what I teach so they show up on time and prepared with serious work. They know I will not tolerate work that does not reflect some serious effort on their part so they make sure they are prepared. If they are NOT on time and prepared they are invited to study somewhere else where nothing is demanded of them.

You start by letting teachers teach!
The first thing students have to learn is how to respect one another, themselves! If they have enough respect for themselves and others in their classrooms they will, out of that respect, sit down, shut up, and pay attention.
Next, nurture and reward the behavior you want. You want PRIDE! Honest, earned, pride comes from tackling an assignment and doing it until you do it well. Don't grade poor output, make students do the work over until it's all grade A. Having EARNED that A they'll post it on their Twitter, Facebook, and lixedIn accounts until they get the recognition they deserve.
That's it
It's not complicated. Show some respect. Show up on time and prepared with serious work. Do the work repeatedly until you learn it and can take pride in your output. You won't graduate until you've done it well.
Those simple skills will spell success in higher education, in any discipline and at any job.


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:騎著毛驢到處走 轉載請註明出處
Igor Balla, studying mathematics at ETH Zürich
In many other countries, if you are a good student, you are respected by your peers (at least, I know this used to be the case in Russia, but I cannot say for sure what is going on now). The same cannot, even remotely, be said about most public schools in the U. S. I came to America as an immigrant, but attended public school in NY starting from elementary school, and I can say from vast personal experience that other kids do not tend to look up to you if you do well in school. On the contrary, they are quite hostile and very willing to make fun of you, calling you names such as 'nerd, geek, herb, etc...'

My parents told me that back in Russia, they didn't even have a concept of a nerd. Apparently, when they were growing up, good students were popular and respected. Naturally, it was a big surprise for them learn about this American culture of nerds and geeks. Nowadays, these concepts have become deeply rooted in our culture, as they appear in TV shows (Disney / Nickelodeon), commercials and movies. The issue is that kids grow up with these ideas of nerd and geek, and this has quite apparent negative effects on their willingness to do well in school.
As far as solutions go, normally it is very difficult to change culture in a society, but in this case it may be doable, since we are specifically discussing the preconceptions of young students. I imagine that I will get no up votes for the following idea, but I say we should be stricter with kids. I know it sounds radical in such a "liberal, modern society" (I apologize in advance for poking fun.), but hear me out. All I am saying is, if a teacher hits a kid on the head next time he doesn't do his HW, not only will all the notions of geek/nerd go flying out the window, but he will also make sure to do his HW (To clarify, I don't necessarily believe we should beat students; the idea was strictly to illustrate a point).

By the way, some will claim that teachers are often not as competent as one would like. But consider another very important factor. The salaries paid to teachers, especially at the K-12 level, are so low in the US that the best and brightest students seldom go for teaching careers. In some cases, standards have been lowered considerably in order to keep up enrollments in teacher training programs. This goes back to the issue I raised at the beginning regarding the ever growing cost of education because of its labor intensive nature. The salaries of teachers have slowly eroded over time (at all levels) and we've made it an unattractive career option for many who would otherwise make excellent teachers. When you have to support a family, love of teaching isn't enough!
What should we do? Respect the education professionals and give them the resources and the authority to do what is right. This is what they do in Finland, where teachers are well paid and education standards and achievement levels are much higher than ours in the US. Will that ever happen here? I doubt it.
Alvin John Ronnfeldt
The fault is of parents, government, the media and political activists. They become angry when students fail or are expelled from schools. Instead of stopping to see if maybe the student didn''''t do his homework, didn''''t pay attention in class, takes drugs, gets pregnant, or bullies the other students, they assume that the teacher and the school are at fault. If the student is a minority, it is even worse; they accuse the teacher and school of racism. (Do you know that Los Angeles high schools are not allowed to expel more minority students than white, even though it is the stomping ground of the Crips and the Bloods? This is the work of a "civil rights lawyer" who claimed the LA schools were racist, the media that jumped on the story, and Governor Jerry Brown.) So high school teachers have been ordered to dumb down the matter being taught, teach to the standardized tests, and pass the students no matter how badly they perform.
At the same time, they don''''t expel, or even punish, the students who are causing problems; the teachers are not even allowed to yell at them or send them to the principle''''s office. These petty crimimals cause so much trouble that the good students can''''t hear what the teacher is saying and the teacher can''''t teach effectively. I quit teaching high school because I refused to follow these orders


Dave Keeley, former Military
Empower teachers to somehow punish students who are clearly wrong in their classroom behavior. Spanking worked on previous generations. I know that''''s not the answer today but neither is calling parents and having the parents siding with the child when the child is a monster in school.
Addressing bullying. We all watched kids get picked on mercilessly and teachers powerless to do anything about it. I don''''t have the answer but again, empower teachers.
Better security at all schools to include metal detectors, armed security and drills to prepare students for incidents. I work for a company that does work in a few schools in the region and at most of them I can walk into the school unchecked with anything I want in my possession.
Crack down on drug use in schools. I watched classmates do drugs in class forty years ago. My kids do the same today. This needs to stop.
Matthew Bates, Teacher (2009-present)
Originally Answered: What are the solutions to the biggest problems with public education?
Original Question: What are the solutions to the biggest problems with public education?
Better parenting.
Take any problem in education, and at its root, you’ll likely find it’s caused by, or made much worse by, inadequate parenting before the students even get into the school.

A lot of parents do their best, but they are limited by their financial situation. Even the best parent can’t be a good parent if they have to work two jobs just to pay the rent and are rarely home when their kid is awake.
Show me a kid who is successful in school, academically, behaviorally, and socially, and I’ll show you a kid who likely has at least one parent who is heavily involved in that child’s life. More than likely, they actually have two heavily-involved parents, one of whom is home for dinner every night, one of whom was a good student themselves, and both of whom waited until they were in a stable, committed relationship and could afford children to have them.

7 I am frequently in schools where most of the kids (in any grade) can not multiply two single digit numbers without a calculator. I believe that calculators are introduced far too early, before they have the skills that a calculator speeds up. When I was at school we memorized multiplication tables, it was boring as hell but I can multiply two digit numbers faster than you can enter them into a calculator. I pointed out that I graduated from university before he was born. Later he, another engineer and I were discussing the plans for a new building we were designing when we needed the floor area. He got out his calculator, I looked at the plan calculated the result in my head and announced it, he thought that I was pulling a number out of my ass to be funny and got a real shock when he entered the numbers into his calculator!