「CET-6应用文」A Letter to a Friend

【CET-6应用文】A Letter to a Friend

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to one of your friends. You should tell your friend about your old days and present situation. And the body of your letter should be no less than 160 words.


A Letter to a Friend

Feb. 14. 2002

Dear Bonnie,

I’m sitting in my room and looking through my old record albums①. There’s one here that reminds me of② you, one by Jethro Tull. Do you remember? We played that record together every afternoon for over a year. I was so sure then that my life would be perfect in five or six years. Well, here I am five years later. I have the same worries about money and school. I’m not married to a prince or living a magic kingdom. I’m still living in New Orleans, and I’m not married at all.

I went back to Alexandria several months ago. I stopped in front of your old house on Levin Street. It really looks different! It is a strange colour that’s not quite yellow and not quite orange to look at. It makes me sad to think that someone else is living in your house.

I’m still working my way through school③. I’ll graduate in a year or two, if I’m lucky. Of course, you know that I change my mind a lot. My major④ is now English, not sociology. After I get my degree, I might teach. I’m not sure. Teachers don’t earn very much money. Maybe I’ll know what I want to do when I grow up. Here I am; I’m twenty-two, and I don’t know what to be. Oh, well!

I’m still working part-time at a local hospital. The job is so boring! Watching a potato bake⑤ in a microwave is more exciting. I’m working in the English Department at school, too. That job is a little more interesting, but not much.

Do you still go to the movies a lot? Since movie tickets are so expensive, I don’t go much any more. Instead, I find friends who have cable TV and VCDS, and I watch movies at their houses. It’s much cheaper that way. I still read as much as ever. I don’t mind paying for good books.

Mother wants me to help her in the kitchen. I’ll say goodbye. Write soon with stories of life in Connecticut. Take care of yourself. Think of me when you listen to Jethro Tull.




①albums: 相册;影集;集子

②reminds me of: 使我想起……

③working my way through school: 努力地上学

④major: 主修;专业

⑤bake: 烤





