




【name】 the money four four per cent of gyehae money

【Category】 miscellaneous

【diameter】 23.3mm

【heavy】 5.2g

光緒二十六年(1900年),福建都督崇善奏準在福州設立"福建官錢局",鑄造銀角•光緒二十八年(1902年),經度支部批准,成立福建官局,製造銅元• "光緒元寶"龍洋。1906年改名"度支部造幣閩廠"辛亥革命時期.福建都督孫道仁委派陳揚銘接管前清官銀局並恢復造幣閩廠, 率先鼓鑄"福建通寶"制錢, "福州都督府造"。

Twenty-six years Guangxu (1900), Fujian governor Chongshan quasi played the establishment of "Fujian official money bureau" in Fuzhou, casting silver - twenty-eight years Guangxu (1902), approved the establishment of the Fujian branch of the longitude, bureau officer, manufacturing copper - "Guangxu bullions" long yang. 1906 renamed the "Fujian Branch Mint factory" in the period of the revolution. Fujian governor Sun Daoren appointed Chen Yangming to take over before the official silver Bureau and restore the mint Fujian factory, first casting "Fujian Tong Bao" coins, Fuzhou Dudu made".


北洋軍閥統治時期 "二次革命"失敗之後, 李厚基攫取閩省軍政大權期間, 勒令福建造幣廠停辦, 並將大部分人員和機器皆遷移往福建制造局, 設於南臺蒼霞洲的福建造幣廠從此徹底關閉, 徒留下"銀局裡"這一地名沿稱至今。民國四年(1915 年) 初, 李厚基於福建制造局內重新開設省造幣廠(以廠址在福州西郊洪山橋原厝鄉黃店裡, 通常故又稱洪山橋造幣廠)。先是利用福建造幣廠所留幣模繼續鑄造"中華元寶"銅元。

After the reign of the Northern Warlords "the two revolution" failed during the Li Houji grab Fujian Province, the political and military power, ordered the Fujian Mint closed, and most of the staff are migrating to Fujian and machinery manufacturing Bureau, located in southern Cang Xia Delta Fujian mint from completely closed, leaving the "silver Bureau" names along the said date. In the four years of the Republic of China (1915), Li Houji rebuilt the provincial Mint in the manufacturing Bureau of Fujian. The site was located in the yellow shop of Hongshan bridge, Fuzhou, which is usually called Hongshan bridge mint. The first is to stay to die casting coin "Chinese gold copper by Fujian mint.

民國十二年三月(1923 年), 援閩軍總、副司令孫傳芳、周蔭人率北洋陸軍第二師和第十二師由贛東經杉關入閩。孫傳芳督閩期間, 洪山橋造幣廠僅鼓鑄二角一等幣值銀輔幣 "中華癸亥"。

In March (1923) of the Republic of China (1923), Sun Chuanfang and Zhou Yinren, the general and deputy commander of the Fujian army, Sun Chuanfang and the twelfth division of the Beiyang army from the east of Jiangxi Province. Governor Sun Chuanfang Fujian during the Hongshan bridge Mint only two corners of a currency casting silver coins "Chinese gyehae".


The current collection of Chinese market, a money four four per cent of gyehae money rating according to expert introduction, "this coin is a special prefabricated metal germ cake. The coin casting process than the other. The same paragraph coins is superior, it is more reflective of the refined coins, and only a silver coin in 1794 block embedded in the casting, the coin will be added to cast out the exact weight." It has a high level of collection value and appreciation space.











