

Last time I introduced some eating culture to you , and i tell you "chi cu" has the meaning of jealous, especially uesd for the man and woman relationship. why? "cu"means vinegar, so why this word can have the meaning about jealous or envy?


It was said in Tang dynasty,(AD618-AD907),Emperor of Taizong wanted to win over the minister's support, so he planed to give some beautiful girl to the minister. But the minister's wife was very envy, she did not want his husband has other wives,so she disagree with the emperor's idea. The emperor didn't have choice, so he prepare one cup of posion, and tell the minister's wife: dirnk this posion or let your husband to take a concubinage. She chosed to death other than let his hunband marry other person, so she took the cup of posion and drank up with tears in the eyes. but after she drank, she found that is not posion but a cup pf venigar. so after this , "chi cu"has the meaning of jealous.


