
[7]FinTech for Executives: Understanding and Managing Innovation in Financial Technology.https://execed.stern.nyu.edu/products/fintech-for-executives-understanding-and-managing-innovation-in-financial-technology.

[8] I&E 550: Innovation and Cryptoventures.


[9]Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies.


[10]Stanford University to Offer Cryptocurrencies Course in September Through Cyber Security


[11] BLOCKCHAIN AT BERKELEY. https://blockchain.berkeley.edu/








[16] Blockchain Papers.https://github.com/decrypto-org/blockchain-papers

[17]The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. Garay J, Kiayias A, Leonardos N. EUROCRYPT '15.

[18]The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol with Chains of Variable Difficulty.Garay J. Kiayias A, Leonardos N. '16.

[19]Analysis of the Blockchain Protocol in Asynchronous Networks. Pass R, Seeman L, shelat a. EUROCRYPT '17.

[20]On Trees, Chains and Fast Transactions in the Blockchain. Kiayias A, Panagiotakos G. '16.

[21]"RSCoin": Centrally banked cryptocurrencies. Danezis G, Meiklejohn S. '15.

[22]Anonymous Byzantine Consensus from Moderately-Hard Puzzles: A Model for Bitcoin. Miller A, LaViola JJ Jr. '14.

[23]On Bitcoin as a public randomness source.Bonneau J, Clark J, Goldfeder S. '15.

[24]Distributed Cryptography Based on the Proofs of Work. Andrychowicz M, and Dziembowski S. '14.

[25]Bootstrapping the Blockchain - Directly. Garay JA, Kiayias A, Leonardos N, Panagiotakos G. '16.

[26]Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols.Kiayias A, Panagiotakos G. '15.

[27]"GHOST": Secure High-Rate Transaction Processing in Bitcoin. Sompolinsky Y, Zohar A. FC '15.

[28]"PHANTOM": A Scalable BlockDAG protocol. Sompolinsky Y, Zohar A. '18.

[29]Inclusive Block Chain Protocols.Lewenberg Y, Sompolinsky Y, Zohar A. FC '15.

[30]On the Security and Performance of Proof of Work Blockchains. Gervais A, Karame GO, Wüst K, Glykantzis V, Ritzdorf H, Capkun S. CCS '16.

[31]Bitcoin Covenants. M?ser M, Eyal I, Sirer EG.FC '16.

[32]Enhancing Bitcoin Transactions with Covenants. O’Connor R, Piekarska M. FC '17.

[33]ZombieCoin: Powering Next-Generation Botnets with Bitcoin. Ali ST, McCorry P, Lee PH, Hao F. FC '15.

[34]The Bitcoin Brain Drain: A Short Paper on the Use and Abuse of Bitcoin Brain Wallets. Vasek M, Bonneau J, Castellucci R, Keith C, Moore T. FC '16.

[35]On Bitcoin and Red Balloons. Babaioff M, Dobzinski S, Oren S, Zohar A. EC '12.

[36]On the instability of Bitcoin without the block reward.Carlsten M, Kalodner H, Weinberg SM, Narayanan A. CCS '16.

[37]Measuring the Longitudinal Evolution of the Online Anonymous Marketplace Ecosystem. Soska K, Christin N. USENIX '15.

[38]Escrow protocols for cryptocurrencies: How to buy physical goods using Bitcoin. Goldfeder S, Bonneau J, Gennaro R, Narayanan A. FC '17.

[39]Trust Is Risk: A Decentralized Financial Trust Platform. ThyfronitisLitos OS, Zindros D. FC '17.

[40]Zerocoin: Anonymous distributed e-cash from bitcoin. Miers I, Garman C, Green M, Rubin AD.S&P '13.

[41]Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous payments from bitcoin. Sasson EB, Chiesa A, Garman C, Green M, Miers I, Tromer E, Virza M. S&P '14.

[42]"Monero": CryptoNote v2.0. Saberhagen N. '13?

[43]Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains. Back A, Corallo M, Dashjr L, Friedenbach M, Maxwell G, Miller A, Poelstra A, Timón J, Wuille P. '14.

[44]Proofs of Proofs of Work with Sublinear Complexity.Kiayias A, Lamprou N, Stouka AP. FC '16.

[45]A Fast and Scalable Payment Network with Bitcoin Duplex Micropayment Channels.Decker C, Wattenhofer R. SSS '15.

[46]"Ethereum": A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform. VitalikButerin. '14.

[47]Ethereum: A secure decentralized generalised transaction ledger. Wood G. '14.

[48]Fair Two-Party Computations via Bitcoin Deposits.Andrychowicz M, Dziembowski S, Malinowski D, Mazurek ?. FC '14.



[50]Nakamoto S. Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system[J]. Consulted, 2008.

[51] 区块链白皮书大全(2018分行业)


