
Blake Griffin ordered to pay $258K a month in child support



[–]sop1232 2165 指標 19 小時前Blake Griffin's baby mama will make more than IT...


[–]Bucksdichloroethane 281 指標 16 小時前

6 mil pre tax equivalent is more than a lot of players in the league


[–]fdoom 69 指標 11 小時前

Does child support get taxed?


[–]SunsTheConboy22 145 指標 10 小時前

The person paying it gets taxed on gross and then the child support is distributed from their net. Know from first hand experience with it.


[–]Clipperscata1yst622 125 指標 10 小時前

So what you're saying is the baby momma is making 258k/mo AFTER taxes?


[–]GrizzliesStasis20 117 指標 9 小時前

That is correct. Child support is not deductible from the income of the payor, and it is not taxable income for the recipient.

Source: I'm a domestic relations attorney.



[–]reaganbill 136 指標 11小時前




[–]Thunderxkenn 79 指標 9小時前

Blake giving back to the community by funding a 1 family scholarship 3 mil a year.


[–]VFRosterbaters 740 指標 12小時前

Tbh this isn’t even funny to me. It doesn’t take $50 mill to raise a kid. IMO Blake just had millions stolen by the court system and that’s completely fucked


[–]VenetianCares 823 指標 18小時前

divorce laws are so archaic. look at Brendan Fraser, dude is expected to fork over Mummy salary money and he's been out the game for years. let's just admit it, the divorce court system is a theft system to rob men of their hard earned money and put it back into the economy with shoe and Louis V bag purchases.


[–]shanmustafa 1815 指標 20小時前she got the fucking bag, the youngest child is 2, so that's 16 years of 258k a month, so around 50m for 16 years jesus christ

Blake has made 130m in his NBA salary, and is going to make 140m the next 4 , so with all that and off court money, I hope he's saving up



[–]Pistonsdrcash360-2ndaccount 2077 指標 19小時前

She doesn't need 50 million to raise a kid


[–]FENDERHEAD1946 626 指標 16小時前

Fifffty million dollas!?!?!


[–]Pistonstikihut_wut 633 指標 16小時前

who you think you got!? chelsea clinton!???


[譯註1] 切爾西·維多利亞·克林頓。美國前總統威廉·傑斐遜·克林頓和希拉里·克林頓的獨生女兒。

[–]WarriorsHunter-2_0 203 指標 14小時前

"The fuck you need 100k a year to raise a baby? I could raise my whole hood 6 times with that kind of paper all babies need is somethin to rattle and someone to wipe they ass"


[–]Jazznosferobots 338 指標 17小時前He doesn't need $140m over the next 4. But he earned that money, and the idea is that the child should be entitled to the same lifestyle as if the father were in the home and primarily responsible.


I agree there should be limits, and there should definitely be restructuring when the fathers financial status changes, and there should be protections against the mother being the primary beneficiary.


[–]acava2424 524 指標 16小時前

60% of that money should into a trust that mommy cant touch imo.


[–]Raptorsjtangredi4 469 指標 14小時前

Being the son of a mother who received a nice payday in divorce court, this is 100% accurate. Never saw a dime of that money, just witnessed my mom take expensive trips to Thailand and spend 50k on shopping.


[–]acava2424 115 指標 14小時前

That's disgusting, still have any relationship with her?


[–]Raptorsjtangredi4 361 指標 14小時前*

Not really after she kicked me out with no where to go and had me arrested by telling the police she felt scared of me. There's some weird law in Canada that allows you to be detained in a mental institute for 24 hrs if a family member or guardian claims you are a danger to yourself or others, then if the Dr. deems you okay you will be released.


Shit was traumatizing I just woke up to 6 officers in my room telling me to put my hands behind my back and read me my rights. The officers were even trying to convince her to charge me with something even more serious, they're immediate inclination is to get you in as much trouble as possible.


Even the hospital staff still really isn't on your side. Shit is really messed up. Men abusing women is a real problem, but nobody talks about the tendency of women to pretend they're in a violent situation when they're not. 9/10 times people will believe the woman. After that I basically wanted nothing to do with her, I talk with her cordially but honestly I just want to move on.


[–]CavaliersThe_baboons_ass 217 指標 14小時前

Had a very similar, but not as bad experience. My mum and dad split when I was growing up. My dad gave my mum 70k a year to just raise me and my 2 older sisters. She spent it all on white linen clothes she never wore. Then my mum would get mad at me for talking to my dad about football and not asking for more money.


Once my sisters hit 18 and I was approaching that age, my mum found and got pregnant with another rich dude. My mum also got me arrested for putting a clean dish in a dirty dishwasher. She called the cops because I was being disrespectful. The cop arrested me for assault and battery of a police officer because when he tried shoving me, I instinctively shrugged him off.


Thank god my dad paid for me to get a great lawyer or I’d be have been banged up in juvie for longer than the one night I was there. Now my mum has found another rich dude who’s 20 years older than her. Now she’s mad I don’t want to have a very big relationship with her. Fuck women like this. Sorry for the rant, just needed to get this off my chest lol


[–]klawhileonard 2364 指標 20小時前*wtf that’s $55mm for 18 years? I know he’s an nba player and all but wtf that’s absurd for one rawdog


[–]RaptorsFudgicles1 162 指標 16小時前

She definitely wasn't with him shooting at the gym.


[譯註2]“Stay Schemin”一曲中的歌詞,原句是:“Kobe ’bout to lose a hundred fifty M’s/Kobe my nigga, I hate it had to be him/Bitch you wasn’t with me shooting in the gym”。當時的歌曲創造背景為2012年,科比情婦傳聞愈演愈烈,瓦妮莎正起訴離婚。

[–]PacersGritznGravy23 828 指標 17小時前

Never made a layup in her life.


[–]SpursI_ACCEPT_KARMA 290 指標 16小時前

Fucking love bill burr.

我太特麼喜歡Bill Burr了。[譯註3]

[譯註3]美國著名單口相聲表演者、喜劇演員Bill Burr最著名的段子之一就是吐槽傍大款的女人和偽女權主義的。他說到“現在結個婚可太難了啊,男人為什麼想要結婚啊。看看科比吧,七千萬美元馬上就要打水漂了。她老婆這輩子一個籃都沒上進過,結果現在要掙7000萬嘍。”當時的背景也是瓦妮莎和科比的離婚事件。原視頻鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0gaYyNk7QA&t=489s

[–]AmericanOSX 85 指標 12小時前

To be fair, she did play college basketball at USC. I don’t like this ruling, but she has likely made a layup in her life


[–]PacersGritznGravy23 257 指標 15小時前

She's a baby sitter... with a quarter of a billion fucking dollars


[–]SpursMatHatesGlitter 141 指標 13小時前

We have an epidemic of gold digging whores.


[譯註4]同樣出自Bill Burr那次吐槽。2.5億美元是吐槽泰格-伍茲老婆拿到的贍養費。

[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 1307 指標 20小時前It's an absolute joke. Our court system is so unfair it's not even funny. Another baby mama getting a free ride in life.

What's worse is that judges often won't reduce it even after his income goes down. And the worst part? It's post-tax and is not deductible. He's gotta make like $90 million to pay off that $55 million. What a travesty.



[–]Fuglylol 298 指標 16小時前

So after tax she gets like a third of his career earnings? What a joke.


[–]sop1232 324 指標 20小時前

Unless you have a girl like Savannah James, get a vasectomy if you're in the nba. 258k a month wtf.


[–]SupersonicsACoolRedditHandle 237 指標 19小時前

freeze some sperm and get the vasectomy. no reason to risk that. 258k a month you could raise a whole goddamn neighborhood of children.


[–]Lakerslatotokyo123 174 指標 19小時前

But then Gordon Hayward wouldn't get a boy.


[譯註5][美國JRs之聲]海沃德三年三個閨女,想要兒子的心情溢於言表:科比含淚點亮 >>

[–]JazzXsy 732 指標 20小時前Yo, I need to have a kid with an NBA player and then divorce asap.


[–]RaptorsCaptainMuffins_ 429 指標 20小時前

first things first gotta somehow figure out how to have a baby as a guy


[–][LAL] Magic JohnsonPVT_Stanley 313 指標 20小時前

Alright, let’s get to brainstorming fellas.


[–]KnicksD0minican 228 指標 19小時前

Come to my house we can keep fucking until you get pregnant


[–]NBAProcessTruster 1333 指標 20小時前I can never understand the court's POV on why it costs that much to support a child.


[–]Mavericksxrixxirx 608 指標 20小時前

Shouldn’t have fucked Kendall Jenner while engaged lol


[–]KnicksTheReal_Slim-Shady 104 指標 11小時前

Another Kardashian to ruin a NBA player lol


[–]Celticsdestiny24 261 指標 16小時前

People get cheated on all the time, you don’t reward them with $250K a year.


[–]Wizardsdagrapeescape 330 指標 13小時前

It’s per month, that’s12x as crazy...


[–]klawhileonard 432 指標 20小時前Well you have to pay for food, education, college tuition etc...and then there’s the essentials like baby momma Gucci handbags, baby momma lambo for driving the kid to school, baby momma vacations to the villa in Paris, and basic stuff like the Versace dresses. God forbid the generic thot baby momma not spend summers in France and winters in a Beverly Hills condo


[–]RaptorsKonfliction 348 指標 20小時前

Here’s a simple way to explain it.

The child’s life shouldn’t drastically change. That’s their goal. So this is basically taking into account how much he earns and what would give the kid the same quality of life.

I disagree with the system, but that’s essentially the mindset.




Another good example, imagine three kids. Two done college. Third in real young.. but parents get divorced. The aim is that child should have the same quality of life as the other kids, so the amount the courts settle on for payments is aiming to keep that even. If the first two kids went to a realllly good school, the payments will reflect that.


The intent is so that you can’t just walk out on your family and ruin their fucking lives. But it’s the most inflexible system ever.


It’s flawed because if the Dad loses work, it doesn’t mater.. still gotta make those payments. Very hard to lower that. Which is insane because if they were still married and the Dad lost his job, the quality of life of the child would drop anyways.. but the courts seem to ignore that part and force the dads to work like maniacs to keep it at a certain level. Which to a degree I understand, but it’s also nuts. It’s such a weird system.


[–]IBeBallinOutaControl 171 指標 17小時前

It should be capped at what people with Blake's salary typically spend on their kids though. No way would they be spending anything like this kind of money on the kid if they were still together, college tuition included.


[–]Trail Blazersmatrixreloaded 132 指標 16小時前

right? regardless of his child support situation Blake never would have spent 258 fucking thousand dollars a goddamn month on his kid... on second thought, fucking nobody does. this is straight robbery.


[–]ColdCocking 163 指標 14小時前

His child could literally live in Disney World snorting cotton candy off high-class Minnie Mouse escorts for less than 258k a month.


[–]hisBOYelroy420 151 指標 17小時前God damn Baby Mama got that 18yr/$55M


[–]ClippersTangentkoala 144 指標 18小時前

Btwww shes also getting child support from an nfl player too


[–]Supersonicskoticgood 109 指標 11小時前

180k a year from Matt Leinart



[–]NBA2ook 250 指標 18小時前

So Blake is already paying for the girl's house and the judge wants 200k on top of that? How can you possibly spend 200k a month on children? Especially if blake would most likely finance his family's travels regardless of the courts decision.


[–]Thunderosj777 251 指標 16小時前

that kid ain't going see even 20% of that money


[–]pochinkiboy 122 指標 10小時前

50k a month? The kid won’t see 2% of that money


