


void Utility::MyLogErr(char *msg){ //qtss_printf(msg); QTSServerInterface::LogError(qtssFatalVerbosity, msg);}void QTSServerInterface::LogError(QTSS_ErrorVerbosity inVerbosity, char* inBuffer) { QTSS_RoleParams theParams; theParams.errorParams.inVerbosity = inVerbosity; theParams.errorParams.inBuffer = inBuffer; for (UInt32 x = 0; x < QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kErrorLogRole); x++) (void)QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kErrorLogRole, x)->!CallDispatch(QTSS_ErrorLog_Role, &theParam); // If this is a fatal error, set the proper attribute in the RTSPServer dictionary if ((inVerbosity == qtssFatalVerbosity) && (sServer != NULL)) { QTSS_ServerState theState = qtssFatalErrorState; (void)sServer->SetValue(qtssSvrState, 0, &theState, sizeof(theState)); }}


qtssSvrState = 8, r/w QTSS_ServerState The current state of the server. If a module sets the server state, the server will respond in the appropriate fashion. Setting to qtssRefusingConnectionsState causes the server to refuse connections, setting to qtssFatalErrorState or qtssShuttingDownState causes the server to quit.



int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ... //This function starts, runs, and shuts down the server if (::StartServer(&theXMLParser, &theMessagesSource, thePort, statsUpdateInterval, theInitialState, dontFork, debugLevel, debugOptions) != qtssFatalErrorState) { ::RunServer(); CleanPid(false); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } else exit(-1); //Cant start server don't try again}
void RunServer(){  Bool16 restartServer = false; UInt32 loopCount = 0; UInt32 debugLevel = 0; Bool16 printHeader = false; Bool16 printStatus = false; //just wait until someone stops the server or a fatal error occurs. QTSS_ServerState theServerState = sServer->GetServerState(); while ((theServerState != qtssShuttingDownState) && (theServerState != qtssFatalErrorState)) {#ifdef __sgi__ OSThread::Sleep(999);#else OSThread::Sleep(1000);#endif LogStatus(theServerState); if (sStatusUpdateInterval) { debugLevel = sServer->GetDebugLevel();  printHeader = PrintHeader(loopCount); printStatus = PrintLine(loopCount);  if (printStatus) { if (DebugOn(sServer) ) // debug level display or logging is on DebugStatus(debugLevel, printHeader);  if (!DebugDisplayOn(sServer)) PrintStatus(printHeader); // default status output }   loopCount++; }  if ((sServer->SigIntSet()) || (sServer->SigTermSet())) { // // start the shutdown process theServerState = qtssShuttingDownState; (void)QTSS_SetValue(QTSServerInterface::GetServer(), qtssSvrState, 0, &theServerState, sizeof(theServerState)); if (sServer->SigIntSet()) restartServer = true; }  theServerState = sServer->GetServerState(); if (theServerState == qtssIdleState) sServer->KillAllRTPSessions(); }  // // Kill all the sessions and wait for them to die, // but don't wait more than 5 seconds sServer->KillAllRTPSessions(); for (UInt32 shutdownWaitCount = 0; (sServer->GetNumRTPSessions() > 0) && (shutdownWaitCount < 5); shutdownWaitCount++) OSThread::Sleep(1000);  //Now, make sure that the server can't do any work TaskThreadPool::RemoveThreads();  //now that the server is definitely stopped, it is safe to initate //the shutdown process delete sServer;  CleanPid(false); //ok, we're ready to exit. If we're quitting because of some fatal error //while running the server, make sure to let the parent process know by //exiting with a nonzero status. Otherwise, exit with a 0 status if (theServerState == qtssFatalErrorState || restartServer) ::exit (-2);//-2 signals parent process to restart server}



int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { extern char* optarg;   // on write, don't send signal for SIGPIPE, just set errno to EPIPE // and return -1 //signal is a deprecated and potentially dangerous function //(void) ::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); struct sigaction act; #if defined(sun) || defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined (__MacOSX__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined (__osf__) || defined (__sgi_cc__) || defined (__hpux__) || defined (__linux__) sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = (void(*)(int))&sigcatcher;#elif defined(__sgi__)  sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = (void(*)(...))&sigcatcher;#else act.sa_mask = 0; act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = (void(*)(...))&sigcatcher;#endif (void)::sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); (void)::sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); (void)::sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); (void)::sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); (void)::sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL); (void)::sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL);}


int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ... int status = 0; int pid = 0; pid_t processID = 0;  if ( !dontFork) // if (fork)  { //loop until the server exits normally. If the server doesn't exit //normally, then restart it. // normal exit means the following // the child quit  do // fork at least once but stop on the status conditions returned by wait or if autoStart pref is false { processID = fork(); Assert(processID >= 0); if (processID > 0) // this is the parent and we have a child { sChildPID = processID; status = 0; while (status == 0) //loop on wait until status is != 0; {  pid =::wait(&status); SInt8 exitStatus = (SInt8) WEXITSTATUS(status); //qtss_printf("Child Process %d wait exited with pid=%d status=%d exit status=%d\n", processID, pid, status, exitStatus);  if (WIFEXITED(status) && pid > 0 && status != 0) // child exited with status -2 restart or -1 don't restart  { //qtss_printf("child exited with status=%d\n", exitStatus);  if ( exitStatus == -1) // child couldn't run don't try again { qtss_printf("child exited with -1 fatal error so parent is exiting too.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE);  } break; // restart the child  }  if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) // child exited on an unhandled signal (maybe a bus error or seg fault) {  //qtss_printf("child was signalled\n"); break; // restart the child }  if (pid == -1 && status == 0) // parent woken up by a handled signal { //qtss_printf("handled signal continue waiting\n"); continue; }  if (pid > 0 && status == 0) { //qtss_printf("child exited cleanly so parent is exiting\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);  }  //qtss_printf("child died for unknown reasons parent is exiting\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (processID == 0) // must be the child break; else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);   //eek. If you auto-restart too fast, you might start the new one before the OS has //cleaned up from the old one, resulting in startup errors when you create the new //one. Waiting for a second seems to work sleep(1); } while (RestartServer(theXMLFilePath)); // fork again based on pref if server dies if (processID != 0) //the parent is quitting exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);   } ...}


