

Gregg Popovich expresses his gratitude to the NBA community and fans for the support for him and his family during the difficult time.




[–]MavericksShumanz 926 指標 10小時前

Not gonna lie, almost teared up watching this.

Please coach forever Pop



[–]Heatfrankoo123 356 指標 9小時前

You can see the pain and anguish in his eyes when he's talking, sad to see Pop like this and I hope that noone on this sub has to go through the same thing.


[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantaminix89 309 指標 9小時前

Sadly we’ll all have to face devastating losses in our lives unless we’re the ones to go first. I honestly believe that without the pain we would have nothing to compare the good times to, you need to experience pain to truly appreciate joy.


[–]SpursMonkey_Junk 29 指標 8小時前

It can really tip the scale (in good and bad ways, but often "good"). After experiencing that kind of loss, you come to appreciate smaller things a lot more than before, like sometimes just sitting on a park bench and breathing the fresh air. That kind of thing.


[–]Wizardsnicefellow31 83 指標 6小時前

You are so right. I lost my wife, dad, and mom within a 15 month period in 2011 thru 2013. There's definitely a before and after me. The "after" version of myself decided (after some low moments) that I just wanted to enjoy things and started traveling, doing wine fest, taking up new hobbies etc.


It's tough road and unfortunately somewhere down the road I'll be facing loss again (or I'll be the lost one) but as of today my mental outlook is a lot different.


[–]Raptorsdeadmartian 144 指標 10小時前

One of the most genuinely amazing people on the planet. So sad to see him like this, but it's amazing how strong he was. I'd be balling my eyes out halfway through the third sentence.

Hope the Spurs do well this year.



[–]TimberwolvesTroebot 223 指標 10小時前

Humility, gratitude, and respect go a long way, even in professional sports. Pop is the man.


[–]Pistonsjones1133 1224 指標 10小時前

Love ya, Pop.


[–]sidtralm 149 指標 10小時前

Love pop. He unquestionably makes the NBA a better league with his coaching talent and his wit.


[–]CelticsBrassTaxWax 399 指標 9小時前

Great basketball coach. Tremendous man.


[–]Raptorssamwise141 146 指標 8小時前

Yup, I've been watching the nba since 2003 and Pop has always been a good man. Playing for the spurs seems like such a blessing, don't know why you'd ever want out.


[–]SpursBumblebee__Tuna 58 指標 5小時前

If you guys can casually get that answer out of Kawhi there are a looooooot of people who would be very happy to finally find out why.


[–]Johnny_Sombrero 483 指標 10小時前

I don't know how he didn't break down half way through.


[–]ThunderWes___Mantooth 296 指標 10小時前

The man is tough as fuck


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesWhiteness88 152 指標 9小時前*

Probably did afterwards. I rarely cried in front of people after my father died; I wasn't ashamed of crying, I was just afraid of opening the floodgates and losing control.

Also, at some point, you just get....tired of crying. It's like your body runs out of tears.



[–]76ersTeranoid_ 139 指標 9小時前

God damn I love this dude and I guarantee the day he retires I'll cry like a fucking baby.


[–]KnicksRustedWheel 61 指標 10小時前

I don't understand why more people are not like this.


[–][GSW] Stephen CurryGustoChampion 305 指標 10小時前

Popovich-Kerr 2020


[–]purgance 96 指標 9小時前

I already really wanted this when I first heard about it.

Every single day I want it more.



[–]WarriorsKDslimreaper 46 指標 9小時前

Pops is absolutely a class act. A great coach and an even better man. Bless his family


[–][SAS] Patty Millsrd3287 43 指標 9小時前

Pop is one of the greatest coaches to ever do it and somehow just as good a person off the court as he is on it. Pop is the man.


