
Secretary-General's message for United Nations Day

每天,聯合國的婦女男子都在努力賦予《憲章》真切實際的意義。United Nations Day marks the birthday of our founding Charter – the landmark document that embodies the hopes, dreams and aspirations of “we the peoples”.Every day, the women and men of the United Nations work to give practical meaning to that Charter.

儘管存在艱難險阻,但我們從不放棄。Despite the odds and the obstacles, we never give up.

赤貧正在減少,不平等卻眼見加劇。Extreme poverty is being reduced but we see inequality growing.

但我們不會放棄,因為我們知道,減少不平等使世界各地增加希望、機遇、和平。Yet we don’t give up because we know by reducing inequality we increase hope and opportunity and peace around the world.

氣候變化的速度正在趕超我們的行動,但我們不會放棄,因為我們知道氣候行動是唯一的出路。Climate change is moving faster than we are, but we don’t give up because we know that climate action is the only path.

人權在如此多的地方遭受侵犯。但我們不會放棄,因為我們知道尊重人權和人的尊嚴是和平的基本條件。Human rights are being violated in so many places. But we don’t give up because we know respect for human rights and human dignity is a basic condition for peace.

衝突在增加,人們在受苦。但我們不會放棄,因為我們知道男女老少都應享有和平的生活。Conflicts are multiplying - people are suffering. But we don’t give up because we know every man, woman and child deserves a life of peace.

值此聯合國日,讓我們重申我們的承諾。On United Nations Day, let us reaffirm our commitment.

修復破碎的信任。To repair broken trust.

治癒我們的地球。To heal our planet.

不讓一個人掉隊。To leave no one behind.

聯合各國,維護所有人的尊嚴。To uphold dignity for one and all, as united nations.

