


Eighty percent of Swedes express positive views about robots and artificial intelligence, according to a survey this year by the European Commission. By contrast, a survey by the Pew Research Center found that 72 percent of Americans were “worried” about a future in which robots and computers substitute for humans.

l artificial intelligence 人工智能

l By contrast 相對而言

歐盟委員會(European Commission)今年進行的一項調查顯示,80%的瑞典人對機器人和人工智能持樂觀態度。相比之下,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一項則調查發現,72%的美國人“擔心”未來機器人和電腦會取替人類。

In the United States, where most people depend on employers for health insurance, losing a job can trigger a descent to catastrophic depths. It makes workers reluctant to leave jobs to forge potentially more lucrative careers. It makes unions inclined to protect jobs above all else.

l makes workers reluctant to 讓員工不願去做

l forge careers建立事業

l lucrative 賺錢的,有利可圖的


Yet in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia, governments provide health care along with free education. They pay generous unemployment benefits, while employers finance extensive job training programs. Unions generally embrace automation as a competitive advantage that makes jobs more secure.

l generous unemployment benefits 高額的


Making the United States more like Scandinavia would entail costs that collide with the tax-cutting fervor that has dominated American politics in recent decades.


Sweden, Denmark and Finland all spend more than 27 percent of their annual economic output on government services to help jobless people and other vulnerable groups, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The United States devotes less than 20 percent of its economy to such programs.

l vulnerable groups 弱勢群體

來自經濟合作與發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)的數據顯示,瑞典、丹麥和芬蘭在幫助失業人員和其他弱勢群體的政府服務上的支出,均超過年度經濟產出的27%。而美國在這類項目上的投入不到經濟產出的20%。

For Swedish businesses, these outlays yield a key dividend: Employees have proved receptive to absorbing new technology.

l Dividend 紅利

l Receptive 接受的


“If we don’t move forward with the technology and making money, well, then we are out of business,” says Magnus Westerlund, 35, vice chairman of a local union chapter representing laborers at two Boliden mines. “You don’t need a degree in math to do the calculation.”

“如果我們不推進科技進步賺錢,那麼,我們就要歇業了,”35歲的馬格努斯·韋斯特隆德(Magnus Westerlund)說,他是當地代表著兩個博利登礦場勞工工會的副主席。“你不需要數學學位就能算出來。”

