雙語閱讀:Courage Is a Gift 勇氣是才能(MP3)

雙語閱讀:Courage Is a Gift 勇氣是才能(MP3)

Courage Is a Gift


Courage is daring to he Brave.Enterprising Bold.In your husiness or personal life, how often do you question your thoughts, your action, or your motives? When you don't exercise the ability to always test yourself, you may lose not only your confidence, but more importantly, you lose the ability to focus, to know yourself,your friends, and your customers.


When faced with decisions and challenges, asking yourself questions every day, every moment gives you the courage to discover what is important to you and what a particular situation means to you, and what result or solution you will like to accomplish.


Courage is getting in the habit of inward and going with your highest feeling of what is true and what feels right for you. Apply this inner evaluation in your business and in your personal life .this is important if you wish to grow and

stay successful. It works!


Realize your weaknesses and work toward improving them. Continue to renew yourself and remember that life has a way of constantly testing your ability and courage to deal with it. When you can learn to appreciate the challenges in both your business and personal life, you find inner strength. Then you are able to bring about an inner peace and spirituality that gives you a good tool for building self-confidence and self esteem.


Remember:motivation,passion, and your reason to succeed in life, as well as in business, are essential requirements to reaching your goals. Live life in a constant state of awareness, with peaceful thoughts, a dash of forcefulness, and a good measure of faith and spirituality. You will then be exercising your gift of courage.


