


Its not that India is always compared to China , its just that we tend to compete knowingly or unknowingly.並不是說印度總是被拿來和中國比較,而是我們總在有意無意地競爭。......Hence there are just about comparisons everywhere due to the close proximity that both countries share. However theres a lot that India needs to learn from China in terms of manufacturing, resource allocation and managemnet , capacity building etc.由於兩國的相似之處,在各個方面都存在著比較。然而,在製造、資源配置和管理、能力建設等方面,印度需要向中國學習。

▲ via Quora/Samuel Nitin, Indian


India is not comparable country with china nowadays, China is very far from India. India can’t touch it.印度現在和中國沒有可比性,中國領先印度很多。印度連人家的邊兒都夠不著。......There is lots to say about China, its quality of lifestyle is far higher than India.說起中國來,那可就多了去了,生活質量遠超印度。Only ISRO did well and it is great honor to India, scientist worked hard to achieve this. Only Private sectors improving India not Government, Government collecting TAX that’s all.印度只有空間研究組織做得很好,這是印度的榮耀,科學家們付出了巨大努力。然而只有私人企業在改善印度,而不是政府,政府只知道收稅。In India, Government officers, policemen and Politicians are richer than business persons.在印度,政府官員、警察、政客可比商人有錢多了。

▲ via Quora/Rakesh Belliappa


It is not just China, Indians have this inherent ability to compare anything and everything in life.不僅僅是跟中國比,生活中的任何事物都能拿來比,這是印度人與生俱來的能力。To point out I had lost the count, number of times my friends comparing benefit of eating with hands over eating with fork and knife. Interestingly we Indians don't compare that with the chopsticks.我已經數不清到底有多少次,我的朋友們說過用手吃飯比用刀叉吃飯的好處。不過有意思的是,我們從來不會跟用筷子做比較。I believe this comparing business is to massage the ego and trying to prove the sense of superiority.我認為這種比較是為了自我鼓勵,試圖證明優越感。

▲ via Quora/Isaac A Christopher, former Manaran and Manaran Company


這兩天,印度權威媒體《印度時報》就又發佈了一篇文章,列舉了15項中國甩了印度幾條街的科技(15 Ways China Is Becoming A Pioneer In Technology, Leaving India & Rest Of World Far Behind),希望能借此鞭撻印度人奮起直追。

1. 在月球上種棉花


圖 via 新華網

In January this year, China became the first country to ever land a spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. Not satisfied with that achievement, they also proceeded to try to grow crops there as part of an experiment. And the country successfully managed to cultivate in airtight canisters in the microgravity environment.今年1月,中國成為第一個將航天器降落在月球背面的國家。然而他們並未止步於此,作為試驗的一部分,他們還嘗試在那裡種植作物。最終成功地在微重力環境中的密閉容器裡培育出了(棉花嫩芽)。

2. 建立社會信用體系



圖 via 新華網

It actually awards each citizen points based on their credit rating, social contributions, and more, and penalizes people that commit crimes, or speak out against the government. That score in turn is used to gatekeep their access to travel tickets, loans, permits, and more.它實際上是根據每個公民的信用等級、社會貢獻等給予他們積分,並懲罰那些犯罪的人,或者公開反政府的人。這一分數反過來又可用來確保人們能夠順暢購買機票、火車票、獲取貸款和許可證等等。

3. 蟑螂垃圾處理廠


圖 via Indiatimes

This one is pretty cool and pretty gross too. China faces a serious air pollution problem, so waste management companies have to find alternatives to burning garbage. They've done this by setting up cockroach plants, where about a billion of the insects scarf down about 50 tonnes of kitchen waste daily. Dead roaches are also ground down and used as a source of protein.這條超級炫酷,同時又有點噁心。中國面臨著嚴峻的空氣汙染問題,所以廢物管理公司得另闢蹊徑來替代焚燒垃圾。通過建立蟑螂工廠他們做到了這一點。在這些廠裡,大約10億隻蟑螂每天都會處理約50噸的廚房垃圾。死掉的蟑螂也被磨碎,用作蛋白質的來源。

4. 空間太陽能電站


圖 via 新華網

This one is still in the planning phase. China intends to put solar farms into the stratosphere between 2021 and 2025. There, the solar panels' aren't hindered by nighttime, cloud cover, or smog while gathering energy, which would then be beamed down to Earth.這一項仍處於規劃階段。中國計劃在2021年至2025年期間將太陽能發電站推向平流層。在那裡,太陽能電池板可以一直沐浴在陽光之下收集能量,不會受到夜間、雲層或煙霧的阻礙,這些能量將被傳輸到地球上。


A Chinese doctor edited the genes of twin girls while still in the embryo stage, supposedly making them immune to HIV and AIDS. It's still unclear just what other side effects he might have triggered when tweaking their genes however. Additionally, the scientist was acting rogue, against very strict laws regarding the ethics of the trials on humans.一位中國醫生在一對雙胞胎女孩還處於胚胎階段的時候編輯了她們的基因,據推測可使她們對艾滋病毒和艾滋病免疫。然而,目前尚不清楚會引發什麼其他副作用。此外,這位科學家的行為違反了有關人類試驗倫理的嚴格法律。

6. 3D打印混凝土橋


圖 via 新華網

In January this year, China also unveiled a marvel of architecture, the world's first 3D-printed concrete bridge. It wasn't wholly printed, but rather units of it were printed and then assembled. And all of it done in a record time of just 450 hours!今年1月,中國還揭開了一座建築的奇蹟,這是世界上第一座3D打印混凝土橋。它不是整體打印出來的,而是打印出各個部分,然後組裝起來。而且所有這些都是在450小時內完成的!

7. 步態識別AI(Gait-recognition AI)


圖 via CCTV

The country is testing a new type of AI surveillance system, one that can pinpoint a person's identity by the way they walk. Supposedly, it can identify people from footage up to 50m away.中國正在測試一種新型的人工智能監控系統,這種系統可以通過一個人走路姿勢來確定他的身份。據推測,它可以從50米之外拍攝的視頻中識別出人們的身份。

8. 智慧高速公路


圖 via 新華網

China Mobile is building a smart highway in the city of Wuhan, which incorporates 5G into its core features. These include things like smart toll stations that don't need human operators, real-time traffic information, AI based traffic predictions, as well as assistance for autonomous cars.中國移動正在武漢建設一條智慧高速公路,將5G納入其核心功能。其中包括不需要人工操作的智能收費站,實時交通信息,基於人工智能的交通預測,以及自動駕駛汽車的輔助。

9. 克隆警犬


圖 via Indiatimes

Researchers are conducting experiments they believe will help the local police's canine units. They're cloning one of the best sniffer dogs in service, before training them for duty like normal. Their idea is to eliminate the breeding and selection process, which is time consuming, instead raising entire corps of the same dog with the innate capabilities of the best drug/bomb sniffer around.研究人員正在進行有助於當地警犬小組的實驗。他們克隆了一隻服役中表現最佳的嗅探犬。他們想要跳過費時的繁育和選擇過程,通過克隆培養出一支天生就是最好的毒品/炸彈嗅探犬隊伍。

10. 面部識別諮詢臺


圖 via 新華網

Airports in China have found a better way to help travellers find their flight times and gates. Instead of hunting the changing digital boards, there are instead help desks equipped with facial recognition. These scan your face and pull up your flight details automatically, pointing you in the right direction in seconds.中國的機場已經有了一種更好的方法來幫助旅客找到他們的航班時間和登機口。人們不再需要抬頭在不斷變化的數字板上找自己的航班,只需前往配備了面部識別功能的諮詢臺。在那兒,機器會對你的面部進行掃描識別,並自動拉出你的航班細節,幾秒鐘之內就能為你指出正確方向。

11. AI主播



圖 via 新華網

State-run news agency Xinhua has found a way to always have anchors on standby at all hours of the day for news, without paying them a dime. Instead of hiring enough anchors for multiple shifts, they're instead developed AI-powered anchors. These use a deepfakes-like system to modify pre-recorded stock footage of anchors, making them "say" whatever the latest news is.官方的新華社可以讓一天24小時都有新聞主播隨時待命,還不用付一分錢。他們開發了人工智能主播,使用類似於深度偽造的系統來修改預先錄製好的主播錄像,讓他們“播報”任何最新的消息。

12. 5G遠程腦外科手術


圖 via 網絡

Just recently, the Chinese proved how essential 5G is going to be to our future. A doctor used the technology to remotely perform brain surgery on a patient. He was operating robotic instruments in the operating theater over 3,000 km away, with almost discernible lag to interfere with his precision.就在最近,中國人證明了5G對我們的未來是多麼重要。一位醫生利用5G技術對一位病人進行了遠程腦外科手術。他在3000多公里外的手術室裡操作機器人儀器,幾乎看不出延時影響他的手術精度。

13. 夜視老鼠


圖 via Indiatimes

Biological researchers in the country were able to give mice the ability to see in the dark with infrared vision. All they did was inject them with nanoparticles that gave them night vision for up to 10 weeks at a time. And because it involved a non-invasive non-surgical procedure, it could even possibly be used to give humans night vision in the future.中國的生物研究人員能夠給老鼠提供在黑暗中用紅外視覺看東西的能力。通過注射納米顆粒,老鼠每次能獲得長達10周的夜視時間。而且由於這是一個非侵入性的非手術過程,因此未來有可能被用來為人類提供夜視功能。

14. 極其靈活的機器人


示例圖 via 新華網

This robot, developed by a Chinese company, actually debuted at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona early this year. Called an "intelligent servant robot", not only could it perform tasks like fetching a glass of water or dancing, it was also dextrous enough to hold onto a raw egg without breaking it.這款由中國公司開發的機器人被稱為“智能僕人機器人”,今年早些時候在巴塞羅那舉行的世界移動通信大會(MWC)上首次亮相。它不僅可以執行任務,比如拿一杯水或跳舞,還足夠靈活,能抓住一個生雞蛋,而不會打破它。

15. 垂直森林城市


圖 via Indiatimes

A real estate developer in China is currently in the process of building something they're calling a "vertical forest city". Expected to be completed by 2020, it's a massive kilometre-long complex along the Liujiang River. The entire complex of offices, schools, apartments, etc, will be covered with about 40,000 trees in and among the buildings, to act as a giant air filter for the highly polluted region.中國的一家房地產開發商目前正在建設一座“垂直森林城市”,預計將於2020年完工。這是沿柳江建起來的一個巨大的建築群,長達一公里,涵蓋了辦公室、學校、公寓等,樓與樓之間有大約4萬棵樹,像一個巨大的空氣過濾器。












