

A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back.



What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for the pain she caused. In an effort to undo(解开) what she had done, she went to an older, wise woman in the village, explained her situation, and asked for advice.


Listening to her, the older woman sensed the younger woman's distress and knew she must help her. She also knew she could never alleviate(缓和) the pain, but she could teach. She knew the outcome would depend solely on the character of the younger woman.



She said, “Tonight, take your best feather(用羽毛装饰) pillows and put single feather on the doorstep(门阶) of each house in the town before the sun rises.” The young woman hurried home to prepare for her chore, even though the feather pillows were very dear to her.

智慧女人说:“今天晚上,拿出你最好的羽绒枕头,天亮之前,挨家挨户把里面的每一片羽毛放在村里每一户人家的台阶上。” 年轻女人急忙回家准备开始干活儿,尽管这些羽绒枕头对她来讲是十分珍贵的。

All night long, she labored alone in the cold. Finally the sky was getting light, she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house. Just as the sun rose, she returned to the older woman.



“Now,” said the wise woman, “go back and refill your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps. Then everything will be as it was before.” “You know that's impossible! The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps!” The young woman was surprised.

“现在开始,”智者说,“你回去把放在台阶上的羽毛都收回来,塞回枕头里去。所有的事情就都恢复原样了。” “你明知道那不可能!我刚在台阶上放下羽毛,风就把它们都吹走了。”年轻女人吃惊了。

“That's true,” said the older woman. “Never forget each of your words is like a feather in the wind, once spoken, no amount of effort, regardless of how heartfelt or sincere, can never return to your mouth. Choose your words well and guard them, especially in the presence of those you love.”



覆水难收(What is done cannot be undone.)


alleviate [əˈliːvɪeɪt] v.减轻;缓和

chore [ˈtʃɔː(r)] n.零星工作(尤指家常杂务)

guard [ɡɑːd] v.谨慎使用

鉴于覆水难收(What is done cannot be undone.),还需谨言慎行。


