「精准扶贫」Targeted poverty alleviation

Targeted poverty alleviation 精准扶贫


牛国崎 作品



【工匠术语 Craftsman’s terms

「精准扶贫」Targeted poverty alleviation


「精准扶贫」Targeted poverty alleviation

Gold touch examples】  

1) The state and local governments have increased input of special-purpose fund for poverty alleviation.


【提示】input n. 输入,投入

special-purpose fund特别用途资金,专项资金

Poverty alleviation 扶贫。注意“扶贫”不可以想当然地写作poverty support, 这就搞笑话了,成了“贫困支持”,呵呵,我们不可以“支持贫困”呵!我们要alleviate poverty(减轻贫困)呵!所以“扶贫”的正确表达为“poverty alleviation”,意为“贫困减轻”。Alleviation 是名词,意为“减轻,缓解” 。

2) The State implements the strategy of targeted poverty alleviation and provides targeted assistance to poverty counties.


【提示】strategy n. 战略

target n. 目标,靶子

implement vt. 实施

targeted assistance靶向帮助,定点帮扶

「精准扶贫」Targeted poverty alleviation

3) There are still 77, 000 registered poverty-stricken villages with no access to passenger buses.


【提示】registered adj. 注册的,建档的

poverty-stricken 贫困打击的,贫困的

with no access to 不通行,不通…

4) The poverty-stricken population is mainly concentrated in mountainous areas and localities with extremely underdeveloped communications.


【提示】locality n. 位置,地点

concentrate vt. 聚集,集中

mountainous area 多山区域,山区

poverty-stricken population贫困人口

underdeveloped communications 欠发达交通,不发达交通

注意:communication 作单数时原意为“通信”,常用作复数communications表示“交通”。如:

Bank of Communications 交通银行

World Atlas of Communications 世界交通地图

5) The “Access to All Villages” scheme is expected to meet the target of 51,000 kilometers hardened road in mountainous areas throughout the year.

“村村通” 计划预计全年完成山区硬化路5.1万公里的指标。

【提示】scheme n. 计划,方案

meet the target 完成指标

hardened road 硬化路

Access to All Villages 村村通

6) Figures show that 330,00 0 natural villages has no access to asphalt (cement) roads.


【提示】 asphalt road沥青路

cement road水泥路

natural village 自然村

Figures show… 数字显示,资料显示…

