
精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周


精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周


精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周




精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周


(圖片來源:Malini Guha. The newera of immune checkpoint inhibitors. The Pharmaceutical Journal. 18 NOV 2014.)



精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周



Jamie B.Spangler的研究團隊致力於細胞因子、生長因子和抗體等免疫蛋白的分子工程,用於治療癌症、傳染病和自身免疫紊亂等疾病。通過結構指導式的設計,他們將細胞因子IL-2與JES6-1 Ab以共價連接的方式進行融合,可以比傳統的製劑更有效地控制自身免疫病。他們還發展了一種基於進化的篩選單價抗體的方法,用於穩定細胞因子和受體的複合物,為疾病治療的分子設計提供了有效的策略。



精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周




主題演講1 - Reshaping the Immune Response Through Biomolecular Engineering

精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周

Jamie B. Spangler


Dr. Jamie Spangler earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University and went on to complete a Ph.D. in Biological Engineering at MIT under the supervision of Professor K. Dane Wittrup. She conducted postdoctoral training in Professor K. Christopher Garcia’s lab at Stanford University School of Medicine, and then launched her independent research group at Johns Hopkins University in July 2017, jointly between the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Dr. Spangler’s lab, located in the Translational Tissue Engineering Center at the School of Medicine, applies structural and mechanistic insights to re-engineer existing proteins and design new proteins to interrogate and therapeutically modulate the immune response. In particular, her group focuses on molecular engineering of immune proteins such as cytokines, growth factors, and antibodies for targeted treatment of diseases including cancer, infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders. Dr. Spangler’s work has been recognized with honors including a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Career Development Fellowship, a V Foundation Scholar award, and a Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Discovery award.


The repertoire of naturally occurring proteins isfinite and many molecules inducemultiple confounding effects, limiting their efficacy as therapeutics.Recently, there has been agrowing interest in redesigning existing proteins or engineering entirely newproteins to address the deficiencies ofmolecules found in nature. Researchers have traditionally taken an unbiased approachto protein engineering, but as our knowledge of protein structure-function relationshipsadvances, we have the exciting opportunity to apply molecular principles to guideengineering. Leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies in structural biology andmolecular design, our lab is pioneering a unique structure-based engineering approach toelucidate the mechanistic determinants of protein activity, in order to informtherapeutic development. Our group is particularly interested in engineering immuneproteins, such as cytokines, growth factors, and antibodies, to bias the immune responsefor targeted disease treatment. Despite the recent explosive growth of proteindrugs within the pharmaceutical market, limitations such as delivery, acquiredresistance, and toxicity have impeded realization of the full potential ofthese therapeutics, necessitating new approaches that synergize with existingstrategies to address clinically unmetneeds. This talk will highlight ongoing work in our lab that spans the discovery, design,and translation of novel molecular therapeutics for applications ranging from cancer to autoimmunedisorders to regenerative medicine.

主題演講2 - Novel Insights into Immunotherapy by Deep Mining of Big Cancer Genomic Data

精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周



梁晗博士現任美國德州大學MD安德森癌症中心生物信息學與計算生物學系正教授,副系主任,同時兼系統生物學系教授. 他2001年畢業於北京大學化學系獲理學學士,2006年畢業於美國普林斯頓大學獲博士,2009年加入MD安德森癌症中心開始獨立教職。他的課題組致力於癌症大數據組學分析和相應的生物信息學軟件開發。目前的主要課題包括增強子,RNA編輯, 功能蛋白質組, 癌症標識物,和藥物靶點的研究。他共發表論文>140篇,其中作為主要通訊作者,在Cell, Cancer Cell,Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Genetics, Nature Metabolism 等頂級學術期刊發表論文十篇。同時,他擔任重要癌症組學合作項目如美國癌症組學圖譜(The Cancer Genome Atlas) 和國際癌症基因組聯盟(International Cancer Genome Consortium) 泛癌種全基因組計劃的領導職務。自2012來,他的科研工作受到美國主流媒體如《華爾街日報》和《新聞週刊 》關注和中國中央電臺採訪。


Immunotherapy has revolutionized patient care and cancer research. Over thedecade, tremendous amounts of cancer genomic data have been generated. My groupfocuses on the development of effective bioinformatics tools for analyzingthese data and the systematic analysis across cancer types. Through the miningon these large-scale cancer genomics and proteomics data, I will discuss threenovel ideas that would challenge the current paradigm for developing effectiveimmunotherapy. (I) Checkpoint inhibition: antibody is NOT the only approach. Iwill discuss the role of enhancers in regulating immune checkpoints. (II)Neoantigen: Somatic mutations are NOT the only source. I will discuss thecontribution of RNA editing to proteomics diversity and neoantigen generationin cancer. (III) Predictive markers: gene-based markers is NOT the only option.I will discuss the utility of a global biosynthetic energy index for predictingthe response to checkpoint inhibitors. Collectively, these results suggestnovel directions for future immunotherapy development and implementation.

主題演講3 - 全基因組測序和健康科技

精準醫療——未來醫療的新方向 | 2019未來科學大獎周



林希虹任哈佛大學公共衛生學院生物統計學系終身教授和前系主任,兼定量基因組學計劃主任、哈佛大學文理學院統計系終身教授, 和美國國家醫學科學院院士。她獲得了美國公共衛生協會頒發的 2002 年莫蒂默•斯皮格爾曼獎,以及考普斯委員會(COPSS) 頒發的 2006 年總統獎(統計界的最高獎,相當於數學界的菲爾茲獎)。她是美國統計協會和數學統計協會的會士, 獲得美國國家癌症研究所頒發的MERIT獎(R37)(2007-2015)和傑出研究獎(R35)(2015-2022)。她的研究領域包括海量人群遺傳和基因組、健康和生物醫學數據分析統計和計算方法的研究及應用,高速統計分析和機器學習,及雲計算。她目前從事大規模全基因組測序關聯研究、基因與環境、基因組綜合分析、表觀和表體數據、因果推理、複雜健康大數據分析。 她是美國國家人類基因組研究所全基因組測序項目哈佛分析中心的聯絡PI,以及美國國家癌症研究院肺癌病因和風險綜合研究項目的共同PI。林教授曾任考普斯委員會主席 (2010-2012),美國國家科學院應用與理論統計委員會委員。她是計量生物學雜誌的前主編和生物科學統計學雜誌的創始共同主編。






