閱讀一練 第2篇

閱讀一練 第2篇


A woman went into a butcher (屠夫)'s shop one evening to buy some meat. A strange man followed her into the shop and stood behind her. Suddenly she screamed, and the man turned around and ran out of the shop. At that time, some policemen passed by. They found there was a gun in his pocket. Later he was put into prison.

"Madam, if you hadn't screamed I would certainly have been robbed (搶劫)," the butcher said. "But how did you know he was a robber?"

"I didn't know," replied the woman. "I screamed because the meat was too dear."


  1. Where did the woman go into?
  2. Was the strange man following the woman a robber?
  3. Why did the woman scream?
  4. Who passed by at that time?
  5. What did the policemen find in the strange man's pocket?


1.follow [ˈfɒləʊ] 跟隨

2.stand [stænd] 站著


3.scream [skriːm] 尖叫

4.at that time 在那個時刻

5.pass by 經過,走過

6.gun [ɡʌn] 槍

7.pocket [ˈpɒkɪt] 口袋

8.later [ˈleɪtə] 後來

9.prison [ˈprɪzn] 監獄

[搭配] put into prison 關進監獄

10.certainly [ˈsɜːtnli] 肯定

11.rob [rɒb] 搶劫

12.reply [rɪˈplaɪ] 回答

13.dear [dɪə]昂貴的




1.A butcher's shop.

2.Yes, he was.

3.Because the meat was too dear.

4.Some policemen.

5.A gun.

