




February 10

Agitated by b elief

So, your religion, your belief in God, is an escape from actuality, and therefore it is no religion at all. The rich man who accumulates money through cruelty, through dishonesty, through cunning exploitation believes in God; and you also believe in God, you also are cunning, cruel, suspicious, envious. Is God to be found through dishonesty, through deceit, through cunning tricks of the mind? Because you collect all the sacred books and the various symbols of God, does that indicate that you are a religious person? So, religion is not escape from the fact; religion is the understanding of the fact of what you are in your everyday relationships; religion is the manner of your speech, the way you talk, the way you address your servants, the way you t reat your wife, your children, and neighbors. As long as you do not understand your relationship with your neighbor, with society, with your wife and children, there must be confusion; and whatever it does, the mind that is confused will only create more c onfusion, more problems and conflict. A mind that escapes from the actual, from the facts of relationship, shall never find God; a mind that is agitated by belief shall not know truth. But the mind that understands its relationship with property, with peop le, with ideas, the mind which no longer struggles with the problems which relationship creates, and for which the solution is not withdrawal but the understanding of love — such a mind alone can understand reality.


作者简介克里希那穆提(J.Krishnamurti,1895-1986),印度著名哲学家,20 世纪最伟大的心灵导师,在西方有着广泛而深远的影响。他主张真理纯属个人了悟,一定要用自己的光照亮自己。他一生的教诲皆在帮助人类从恐惧和无明中彻底解脱,体悟慈悲与至乐的境界。他的六十多册著作,都是由空性流露的演讲和讲话结集而成,目前已经译成了四十七种语言出版。




