



本文為“老外看疫情”系列文章的第6篇,作者黑爾佳·策普-拉魯什(Helga Zepp-LaRouche)系 國際席勒研究所所長、中國人民大學重陽金融研究院外籍高級研究員。中文版由楊清清、張灝筠翻譯,刊於2月14日中國網;英文版刊於2月8日CGTN 。


黑爾佳·策普-拉魯什(Helga Zepp-LaRouche)

德國《明鏡》週刊雜誌的英文名字實際上是“鏡子”的意思。2020年第六期德國《明鏡》週刊的封面圖片是一個戴著防毒面具、護目鏡、耳機和紅色帽衫的人,恰恰映射了該週刊編輯種族主義的醜惡嘴臉,標題“新型冠狀病毒 中國製造”實際上是“種族主義怪物斯皮格爾的醜陋面孔”。












China deserves praise, cooperation in fight against coronavirus

The name of the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel actually means in English: "The Mirror" And indeed what you see this week on the cover page of the print version of Der Spiegel – a person with a gas mask, goggles, earphones, and a red hoody, is the mirror image of the ugly face of the racism of its editors.

The headline "Coronavirus Made in China" should actually be "The ugly face of the racist monster Spiegel" This piece of yellow trash journalism was so bad that the Chinese Embassy in Germany issued a formal complaint on their website.

The notorious Jyllands-Posten of Denmark had an equally disgusting cartoon putting the coronavirus on the Chinese flag. America's many so-called mainstream media use the abominable, racist term "The Yellow Peril" What all of these portrayals demonstrate is the ugly reality of obviously deep-seated racism under a very thin varnish of "Western values."

The reality of the matter is that the Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has praised China repeatedly for the excellent handling of the epidemic, noting that China has set a new standard of dealing with such problems.

The fact that the Chinese government had published a full genome-mapping of the new variants within days of the outbreak has made it easier for scientists in other countries to start working on possible vaccines. We should also keep in mind that China has made significant breakthroughs in the biological sciences over the past 15 to 20 years, which has vastly improved the country's capacity in dealing with the current situation. Other health officials stated that the response of the Wuhan regional government and the dissemination of information was "state of the art" and that an extremely impressive quantity of new information contained in their daily updates had been published since December 31/January 1.

To call any virus a "Chinese" virus is as silly as to say that it is someone's fault if he catches the flu or gets sick in general. It can happen anywhere in the world, and it can happen to every person on the planet. The lesson from this recent case of the reaction to the outbreak of the coronavirus is that it shows who in the international community is capable of responding to dangers that threaten all of humanity, and who is a troglodyte, and who is not.

If Europe and the U.S. want to be credible in talking about "human rights" and "Western values" then they should join hands with China and cooperate on the fight to defeat the coronavirus. The coronavirus and the fact that every year 100,000 of people get killed by complications from influenza shows how urgent it is to make breakthroughs in the fundamental understanding of living processes to overcome up to now life-threatening diseases.

For sure we should reflect on the actuality of the judgment of the Gottfried Leibniz who said, "In any case, it seems that the situation of our present conditions in light of the growing moral decadence is such that it almost seems necessary that Chinese missionaries are sent to us, who could teach us the application and practices of natural theology.... I, therefore, believe that if a wise man was elected, not to judge about the beauty of goddesses, but about the excellence of peoples, he would give the golden apple to the Chinese."

I think Leibniz was a lot wiser than let's say, Der Spiegel, Jyllands-Posten and the New York Times.



