高中英語 最容易選錯的知識點


高中英語 最容易選錯的知識點

1. They ______ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _____on it as no good results have come out so far.

A. had been working; are still working

B. had worked; were still working

C. have been working; have worked

D. have worked; are still working

此題的時間參照點是before I joined them,,所以第一個空應該用過去完成進行時,第二個空根據時間now用現在進行時。

2. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, ___cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.

A. of which the top B.the top is

C. the top of which D. with its top

此題是獨立主格結構,如果題幹改為 ____is cut off,答案則為A或C

3. ______ is it _____ has made Peter _____ he is today?

A. What; that; that

B. That; that; what

C. What; what; that

D. What; that; what

用還原法則為 It is what that has made Peter what he is today 可知是強調句式。

4. Before he went abroad,he spent as much time as he _____ English.

A. could learning B. learned

C. to learn D. could learn

spend time (in) doing sth. 如果改為he did what he ______, 則答案為could to learn.

5. The person we talked about ____ our school last week.

A.visiting B.will visit

C.visited D.has visited

此題中包含一個定語從句,the person既作先行詞,又作句子的主語,要填入的應該是句子的謂語,根據後面的時間狀語為last week,應選過去時。句中包含的定語從句we talked about中about雖為介詞,但不影響主句的謂語,故應選C。

The person we spoke to ____ no answer at first.

A.making B.makes

C.make D.made

此題中也包含一個定語從句we spoke to,the person既作先行詞,又作句子的主語,要填入的應該是句子的謂語,根據句子的需要,應選過去時。本題中的to為陷阱,實際上它屬於定語從句中,而不影響主句的謂語動詞。故D正確。

The person we referred to(提及)____ us a report tomorrow.

A.giving B.will give

C.gave D.give

同上題一樣,句中包含定語從句we referred to,所缺成份為句子的謂語,又根據句中的tomorrow,故用將來時。選B。

The days we have been looking forward to ____ soon.

A.coming B.will come

C.came D.have come

同理,此句中的定語從句包含短語look forward to,雖然to 為介詞,但並不影響主句的謂語動詞,只是一個陷阱而矣。又根據句中的soon,應用將來時,故選B。

6. Not far from the club there was a garden, ____ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.

A. whose B. its

C. which D. that


7. You should treat him (in) the way ____ suits him most.

A. that B. in which

C. / D. why

此題中先行詞the way 後面的定語從句中充當主語。故只能選A。如果先行詞the way有從句中充當狀語,則可以用that, in which或省略。

8. He is a strict but kind-hearted father, ____ the children respect but are afraid of.

A. / B. that

C. for whom D. one whom

此題答案只能為D。替代詞one在句中作同位語,代指father,後面再接一個定語從句。先行詞one 又在從句中充當賓語。

9. --- You haven’t been to Beijing, have you? --- _____. And how I wish to go there again!

A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t

C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t


10. Not only ______the jewelry she ____been sold for her son’s gambling debts but also her house.

A. is; has B. has; had

C. has; has D. 不填; has

此題中由於Not only 置於句首,故用部分倒裝結構。第一個has助動詞,是句中謂語動詞has been sold中has的提前。第二個has為實義動詞,屬於定語從句中,表示“有”的意思。本句的意思為:不但是她所有的珠寶而且還有她的房子一起已經被賣掉作為她兒子的賭債了。答案為C。

11. We should do more such exercises in the future,I think,_____ those we did yesterday.

A. as B. like

C. about D. than

高中英語 最容易選錯的知識點


We should do such exercises in the future, I think, _____ we did yesterday.

此題應選A 因為we did yesterday是句子,所以用連詞as

The teacher suggested that we should do _____ what he did yesterday.

此題應選B 應為我what we did yesterday是名詞性從句,所以用介詞like

12. He will tell you _____ he expects will win such a match.

A. why B. whom

C. which D. who

此題中的he expects是插入語,所以答案應為D

13. Who would you rather ______ the report instead of you?

A. have write B. have to write

C. write D. have written

此題還原為You would rather have who write the report instead of you.可知答案為A

句式為:have sb. do sth.

14. Who would you rather ______ you repair your CD player?

A. help B. helped

C. helping D. to help

此題還原為You would rather who helped you repair your CD player.可知答案為B

句式為:would rather sb. did sth. 是虛擬語氣

15. We’ll be free tomorrow,so I suggest ______ to the history museum.

A. to visit B. visiting

C. we should visit D. a visit


suggest sb. (should) do sth.是虛擬語氣

suggest doing sth.

suggest sth. to sb. 所以答案為D

16. I like swimming,while what my brother enjoys ______.

A. cooking B. to cook

C. is cooking D. cook

what my brother enjoys是名詞性從句做主語,所以答案為C

17. — How long have you been here?

— ______ the end of last month,

A. In B. By

C. At D. Since


18. ______ nice,the food was all eaten up soon.

A. Tasting B. Taste

C. Tasted D. To taste

taste是系動詞, 沒有被動,答案A表示原因。對比:

____ nice, the food should be made by adding more sugar. 此題應選D,表示條件。

19. He was sentenced to death ______ what he has stolen from the bank.

A. that B. since

C. because D. because of

what he has stolen from the bank是名詞性從句,所以應該用介詞because of

20.—What do you think of the concert?

—I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful.

A. as B. more

C. most D. very

A 這是一個省略句,承接上文,省略了as I had thought。

21. I have no dreams ____ to have a happy life.

A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. less than

other than 的意思是除了而rather than的意思是而不是

22. —Ms Lin looks rather a kind lady. —But in fact she is cold and hard on us. You ____believe it!

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t

C. mustn’t D. needn’t

高中英語 最容易選錯的知識點


23. I’d try even if I may fail ___ __ sit there worrying in time of trouble.

A. rather than B. other than

C. more than D. less than

A 考查than短語。rather than :而不是。

24. He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch the bus.

A. hope B. to hope

C. hoping D. hoped

此題的最佳答案不是B,而是C,其中的現在分詞短語hoping to catch the bus用做伴隨狀語,即一邊跑一邊希望能趕上汽車。但是,如果選B,將to hope to catch the bus視為目的狀語行不行呢?不行。因為“他拼命地跑”目的是“為了趕上公共汽車”,而不是“為了希望趕上公共汽車”,換句話說,將“希望”作為“目的”不妥。因為同樣的原因,下面一題也應選hoping:He studied as hard as he could _____ to enter a good college.

A. hope B. to hope

C. hoping D. hoped

25. He had a lot of friends, none of _____ could lend him any money.

A. whom B. them

C. which D. who

此題選A,none of whom could ... 為非限制性定語從句

對比:He had a lot of friends, but none of _____ could lend him any money.

A. whom B. them

C. which D. who

此題選B,由於句中有並列連詞 but,整個句子為並列句,因此選them

He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ translated into a foreign language.

A. them B. which

C . it D. what

同學們看了上面一題的分析後,也許會毫不猶豫地認為此題應選 B,理由是none前沒有並列連詞 and 或 but,但這次又錯了。此題的最佳選項應是A,注意此句與上面一句有著本質的不同,即此句的 translated 不是謂語,而是一個非謂語動詞(過去分詞),所以逗號後面其實不是一個完整的句子,而是一個獨立結構。假若在 translated 前加一個助動詞 was,則此題應選(which),構成一個非限制性定語從句。所以做這類題要特別小心,千萬不要想當然,更不要受思維定勢的影響。

26. I met several people there, two of _____were foreigners.

A. whom B. them

C. who D. which

此題選A,two of whom were foreigners 為非限制性定語從句

對比:I met several people there, two of _____ being foreigners.

A. whom B. them

C. who D. which

題選B,two of them being foreigners 不是一個完整的句子,因為句子沒有謂語,而只有非謂語動詞 being

27. She may have missed the train, in _____ case she won't arrive for another hour.

A. whose B. that

C. which D. what

此題容易誤選 A,因為不少同學認為在定語從句中能用做定語的關係代詞的只有 whose。其實除 whose 可用做定語外,which 也可用做定語,只是含義上有差別:在此情況下,whose 的意思相當於one's,而 which 的意思則相當於 that 或 this。比較:(1) This is Mary, whose [= and her] father we met last week.

(2) Call again at 11, by which time [= and by that time] the meeting should be over.

注:若27題中的逗號前如果有連詞 and,則可選 B(that)。

28. According to the rules, students must not _____ their books during examinations.

A. read B. watch

C. notice D. look at

此題容易誤選A,因為許多同學牢牢地記住了:看書看報用read,看電視用watch,看電影用see,看比賽用watch,看黑板用look at,等等。以上說法並沒有錯,但問題是,以上句子有其特殊性。一般說來,漢語的“看書”至少有兩層意思,一是指閱讀性地看書,即看書=讀書,此時通常用動詞read;另一種看書則不是指閱讀性地看書,而只是大概地翻一翻或看一看,比如看看書的封面、定價、內容提要等,或者回答問題時看看書的某些章節或字句以及考試時偷看書本等等,此時通常都不宜用動詞read,而應根據情況選用其他動詞(如look at)。又如:Let me have a look at the book.讓我看看或翻翻這本書。

Please answer my questions without looking at your books.請不看書回答我的問題。

29. _____ with a good education can apply for the job.

A. Who B. Whoever

C. Anyone D. Who ever

此題題選C,介詞短語with a good education為修飾anyone的定語

30. _____ seen smoking here will be fined.

A. Who B. Whoever

C. Anyone D. Who ever

題選C,過去分詞短語seen smoking here為修飾anyone的定語(可視為anyone who is seen smoking here之省略)

31. ___ smoking here will be fined.

A. Who B. Whoever

C. Anyone D. Who ever

題選C,現在分詞短語smoking here為修飾anyone的定語

32. Is there a shop around _____ we can buy some toilet articles?

A. that B. which

C. where D. what


33. After ____ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

A. which B. it

C. what D. that

此題應選C,其餘三項都很容易誤選。誤選A,認為介詞後應接關係代詞which(但是,若填關係代詞,其前沒有先行詞);B或D也不能選擇,因為介詞後可接what引導的賓語從句,但通常不能跟that引導的賓語從句或沒有引導詞的從句。另一方面,引導名詞性從句的that也不能充當句子成分(句中的seemed缺主語)。選C,what引導的是賓語從句,用做介詞after的賓語,其中的what可理解為some time that。

34. The judge paid no attention to _____ he had just lost his wife.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

通常情況下,介詞後不能直接跟that從句(極個別介詞如except, but等除外),遇此情況,應在that從句前加上 the fact(此時the fact用做介詞賓語,其後that從句用做the fact的同位語)。

35. They own two cars, not to _____ a motorbike.

A. speak B. say

C. talk D. mention

但其含義區別甚大:not to mention=更不用說,此外還有:not to say=雖不能說,即使不能說。如:He can speak French and Japanese, not to mention English.


David is handsome and smart, not to mention being a good athlete.


It is warm, not to say hot. 天氣雖說不上熱,但也夠暖了。

He was impolite, not to say rude. 他即使不是粗魯,至少也是沒有禮貌。

36. I think he is _____ to win, but I'm not sure.

A. possible B. likely

C. impossible D. certain

從語意上看,D肯定不能選;從英語習慣上看,A和C也不能選;此題最佳答案為B。請再看幾例: He is likely to arrive a bit late.他可能會晚到一會兒。

It's likely that he will go abroad.他可能會出國。

注意:雖然possible和likely均可表示“可能”,但兩者的搭配是不同的,即可說someone is likely to do sth,但不能說someone is possible to do sth。如:他有可能會同她一道去。

正:He is likely to go with her.

正:It's likely that he will go with her.

誤:He is possible to go with her.

正:It's possible that he will go with her.

另外,還可說:It's possible for him to go with her.

37. It is so difficult a problem that _____ student in this class _____ work it out.

A. any, can't B. no, can

C. every, can D. no, can't

此題很容易誤選A,因為從句意上看,選A可將此句理解為“這個問題是如此之難,這個班上任何一個學生都不可能做出來”。但按英語習慣,any(任何一個)作為非肯定詞,它只能出現在否定詞not之後,而不能在其前,即可說not any,但不說any not。所以正確答案應選B。這工作太難了,恐怕誰也幹不了。

正:The work is too difficult. I'm afraid no one can do it.

誤:The work is too difficult. I'm afraid any one can't do it.


正:Nothing can prevent me from marrying her.

誤:Anything can't prevent me from marrying her.

類似地,either (兩者中的任意一個)作為非肯定詞,它也應出現在否定詞之後,而不能出現在否定詞之前。如:這兩兄弟都不聰明。

正:Neither of the brothers is clever. / Neither brother is clever.

誤:Either of the brothers is not clever. / Either brother isn't clever.

38. The problem is not _____ easy. Think _____ over.

A. such, it B. that, it

C. so, 不填 D. that,不填

正確答案應為B,that 相當於 so .

39. Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris, _____ lives his uncle.

A. which B. who

C. where D. that

許多同學一看到橫線後的謂語動詞lives,就以為橫線處應填who,認為只有who與lives搭配才是合情合理的。但是錯了,因為假若選who,那麼who 當然就是lives的主語,lives是句子謂語,那麼his uncle呢?它是什麼成分?是賓語嗎?不可能,因為動詞live為不及物動詞,由此可知,選B是不對的。其實,此題的最佳答案應是C,where lives his uncle為倒裝語序,此句可改為and there lives his uncle或and his uncle lives there。

40. Good luck to you, and _____ all your wishes come true!

A. can B. may

C. must D. should


May you succeed.祝你成功。

May God bless you.願上帝保佑你。

May you have a very happy married life.祝你的婚姻生活幸福美滿。

