

92nd Oscars


“Parasite” is the film that took home the most awards at the Oscars 2020, winning four Academy Awards including Best Picture①, Directing, International Feature Film and Writing (Original Screenplay②). Not only that, but it also became the first non-English language film in Oscar history to win the award for Best Picture. “Parasite” was also the first film from South Korea to be nominated for International Feature Film③. Apart from this, it is also worth noting that the Oscars took time to honor the many talents we lost during the previous year. During the Oscars 2020 broadcast, Billie Eilish performed the song “Yesterday” as a touching tribute④. Recently departed⑤ stars like Kobe Bryant and Godfrey Gao were among the luminaries⑥ honoured in a In Memoriam segment. (Oscars, The Strait Times)



① picture: [ˈpɪktʃə] n. a cinematographic scene or film 影片,電影

② screenplay: [ˈskriːnˌpleɪ] n. the>

③ feature film: a main film/movie with a story, rather than a documentary, etc. 正片,故事片

④ tribute: [ˈtrɪbjuːt] n. an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, esp. for a dead person(尤指向死者)表示敬意的禮物,頌詞,稱讚

⑤ departed: [dɪˈpɑːtɪd] adj. that has departed by death; deceased 已故的,逝去的

⑥ luminary: [ˈluːmɪnərɪ] n. a person who is an expert or a great influence in a special area or activity 傑出人物,專家,名人,泰斗


Bong Joon-ho holds the Oscars for the four awards for “Parasite.”

(Credit: AP)


Thailand mass shooting


On February 8, Thai soldier Jakraphanth Thomma killed his commanding officer, stole weapons from a military base, and went on to launch a devastating attack on civilians in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima. The soldier was shot dead by security forces on Feb. 9. Thirty people, including the gunman, were dead as a result. On February 8, Thomma posted a video of himself holding a rifle on Facebook, and said: “Tired, I can barely move my fingers.” Soon afterwards, Facebook took down the post and his profile and said in a statement: “Our hearts go out to① the victims, their families and the community affected by this tragedy in Thailand. There is no place on Facebook for people who commit this kind of atrocity②, nor do we allow people to praise or support this attack.” Thai Army Chief General Apirat Kongsompong said during a 90-minute press conference that the army would help compensate all the victims and their families. (BBC, CNN)



① one’s heart/thoughts go out to sb.: used to say that one feels sympathy for sb. and are thinking about them 同情某人

② atrocity: [əˈtrɒsətɪ] n. a cruel and violent act, esp. in a war(尤指戰時的)殘暴行為


A Buddhist monk sits in front of flowers laid at the scene of a mass shooting in Thailand.

(Credit: hawaiipublicradio.org)


Ireland’s general election


The Republic of Ireland’s general election① has produced an outcome where no one party can govern alone and where even two parties together would come up short②. Sinn Féin topped the popular vote and won 37 seats, while Fianna Fáil ended up with 38 and Fine Gael with 35. Financial and property shares have already been hit hard by the emergence of Sinn Féin, whose manifesto③ pledged to reduce tax breaks④ for banks that were bailed out⑤ by the State, and to introduce a raft of⑥ controls on the private rented sector, from price caps onwards⑦. With Sinn Féin’s election breakthrough in focus⑧, the outgoing⑨ Taoiseach⑩ and other top officials at a financial conference in Dublin rushed to reassure investors that Ireland remains open for business. (The Irish Independent)



① general election: 大選

② come up short: fail to win or achieve sth. 達不成

③ manifesto: [ˌmænɪˈfɛstəʊ] n. a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are 宣言

④ tax break: a special reduction in taxes 減稅

⑤ bail sb. out: to rescue sb. from a difficult situation 幫助某人脫離困境

⑥ a raft of: a large number or amount of sth. 大量,許多

⑦ from ... onwards: beginning at a particular point and continuing after that 從……開始

⑧ in focus: If something is in focus, it is being discussed or its purpose and nature are clear. 清晰,明顯

⑨ outgoing: [ˈaʊtˌɡəʊɪŋ] adj. leaving the position of responsibility mentioned 即將離任的

⑩ Taoiseach: [ˈtiːʃæx] n. the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland(愛爾蘭共和國的)總理


Taoiseach Leo Varadkar casts his vote.

(Credit: The Independent)


British cabinet reshuffle①


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has carried out a reshuffle of ministers in cabinet positions, two months after winning the general election. This is the second reshuffle for Mr Johnson, who became prime minister last July after winning a Conservative leadership election. Big names② to have left cabinet last Thursday included Chancellor③ Sajid Javid, Attorney General④ Geoffrey Cox, and Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom. The make-up⑤ of the cabinet has also changed. The proportion of women in it has increased — but the actual number has fallen from eight to seven because some positions were closed. Opening Friday’s cabinet meeting, the PM congratulated those present on “achieving or retaining” their cabinet jobs after a wide-ranging shake-up⑥. “We have to repay the trust of people who voted for us in huge numbers in December and who look forward to us delivering,” he said. (BBC)



① reshuffle: [riːˈʃʌfəl] n. a change in the jobs that a group of people do 重新洗牌,改組

② big name: an important or a famous person【口】要人,名人

③ chancellor: n. [ˈtʃɑːnsələ] = Chancellor of the Exchequer; the government ministers who is responsible for financial affairs【英】財政大臣

④ Attorney General: the most senior legal officer in some countries or states for example the UK or Canada, who advises the government or the head of state on legal matters 總檢察長

⑤ make-up: [ˈmeɪkʌp] n. the different things, people, etc. that combine to form sth.; the way in which they combine 組成,構造

⑥ shake-up: [ˈʃeɪkʌp] n. a situation in which a lot of changes are made to a company, an organization, etc. in order to improve the way in which it works(政策等的)劇變,(人員的)大改組/換血




Boris Johnson’s new cabinet.

(Credit: The Guardian)


mass sexual harassment① in an India school


Reports that large crowds of men sexually harassed and abused② students at a women’s college in the Indian capital New Delhi last week has sparked an outcry③and protests there. The men barged④ onto the Gargi College campus in South Delhi last Thursday, on the final day of a school festival, allegedly molesting⑤ and sexually assaulting⑥ the female students en masse⑦. New Delhi police said it had filed an official complaint against unidentified people for trespassing⑧, as well as assaulting and harassing women. (CNN)



① harassment: [ˈhærəsmənt] n. words, conduct, or action (usu. repeated or persistent) that, being directed at a specific person, annoys, alarms, or causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose 騷擾

② sexual abuse: an illegal or wrongful sex act, esp. one performed against a minor by an adult 性侵犯

③ outcry: [ˈaʊtkraɪ] n. a reaction of strong disapproval and anger shown by the public or media about a recent event 強烈抗議/反對

④ barge: [bɑːdʒ] vi. rush or push into a place in a rough and rude way 猛撞,衝,闖

⑤ molest: [məʊˈlest] vt. to make unwanted or indecent advancesto or on sb., esp. for sexual gratification 猥褻

⑥ sexual assaut: offensive sexual contact with another person 性侵犯

⑦ en masse: [ɒŋˈmɑːs] in a group, body, or mass; as a whole; all together 全體,一起;一般地,大體上

⑧ trespass: [ˈtrespəs] vi. to wrongfully enter another's real property 擅自進入


(Credit: firstpost.com)


updates on the novel coronavirus


The disease was officially named COVID-19 by the WHO and the virus SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy① of Viruses. WHO director-general Tedros urged countries to step up measures to detect and contain② the virus, saying that the outbreak poses a “very grave threat for the rest of the world” and should be viewed as “Public Enemy Number 1.” Up to last Thursday, Diamond Princess, the quarantined③cruise④ ship in Japan, had found 218 confirmed cases aboard, the largest infection cluster⑤ outside China. In China, this week witnessed a sudden spike⑥ in confirmed cases, with nearly 15,000 new ones reported last Wednesday. The huge bump⑦ isn’t a sign that the epidemic is worsening, but the result of authorities changing how cases are confirmed. Some businesses in China were trying to reopen their doors. Others, though, remained closed. “We will strictly ban practices that restrict companies from resuming work in oversimplified and crude ways,” an official at the National Development and Reform Commission said. The outbreak has already had a severe economic fallout⑧ in China and even the world. The Chinese government said it may have to depart⑨ from some commitments made in the phase one economic trade agreement with the US. (Nature, The New York Times, Bloomberg, CNN, Economist Espresso)



① taxonomy: [tækˈsɒnəmɪ] n. a particular system of classifying things 分類體系

② contain: [kənˈteɪn] vt. to prevent sth. harmful from spreading or getting worse 控/抑制,阻止

③ quarantine: [ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn] vt. to hold a ship arriving in port and suspected of carrying contagious disease in isolation from the shore(為組織傳染病流行而)將{船等}隔離

④ cruise: [kruːz] n. a journey by sea, visiting different places, esp. as a holiday/vacation 航行/遊

⑤ cluster: [ˈklʌstə] n. a group of things of the same type that grow or appear together 聚集

⑥ spike: [spaɪk] n. a sudden large increase in sth.【美】【口】驟增,急升

⑦ bump: [bʌmp] n. a sudden (esp. upwards) movement 突然向上的移動

⑧ fallout: [ˈfɔːlˌaʊt] n. the bad results of a situation or an action 附帶結果,負面影響

⑨ depart: [dɪˈpɑːt] vi. to diverge, deviate, withdraw, desist from a course of action, etc. 背離,違反


Sterilisation efforts in Lianyungang.

(Credit: newscientist.com)


