02.28 宅在家里写论文?送你一份 SCI 摘要写作指南…

俗话说眼睛是心灵的窗户,那么摘要就是 SCI 论文的眼睛。

很多 editor ,往往看一眼摘要,就决定是否直接给你说一声抱歉。

Dear ×××:

I am sorry to write with the news that we have decided not to accept it for publication.(无奈.jpg)

辛辛苦苦做了那么多实验,哪有人想收到这份抱歉?这份 SCI 摘要写作指南,你值得拥有!

期刊会在投稿要求中说明摘要的字数,约 200-400 字之间不等,在 400 字以内凝练出你的论文精髓,做到简洁、准确的表达你论文的中心内容。

摘要主要分为五部分:背景(Background)、目的(Aim)、方法 (Method)、结果(Results)以及结论(Conclusion),每部分内容大致可这样写


介绍你论文的基本背景知识或近些年的争议,1-2 句即可。常用句型有:

Recent studies have identified …

Epidemiological studies suggest that…

These findings have raised the question of …

目的 (Aim)


In the present study, we examined whether …

To identify …, we carried out …

However, the role of sth is not clearly understood. To address this question, we used …

方法 (Method)


被动语态多用,也可将方法穿插在结果中介绍,例如:「Through+方法,we found+结果」之类的句型。


Here we identify, through molecular and genetic analyses in mice, …

Loss and gain of function experiments in mice demonstrate that …


简述你的研究成果和发现,3-6 句话左右,结果每篇文章都会「因 paper 而异」,生物医学经常会有增加/上调/改善/缓解以及相对应的反义词,这里进行简单汇总:

↑:increase, upregulate, improve, activate, elevate, rescue…

↓:decrease, downregulate, reduce, inactivate, suppress, impair…



These data established that …

These findings shed light on the poorly understood …

Together, these observations suggested that …

These findings uncovered an unexpected mechanism …

除此之外,还有一种的摘要的表达形式一直受到 editor 的青睐,就是「Graphical Abstract」,一张图说明你的主要研究成果和应用。

例如下面这三篇《Cell》的文章,明了的图片配上简单的 Highlights 分分钟让笔者耳目一新!

宅在家里写论文?送你一份 SCI 摘要写作指南…

宅在家里写论文?送你一份 SCI 摘要写作指南…

宅在家里写论文?送你一份 SCI 摘要写作指南…

这种「Graphical Abstract」,在 review 中用也是非常加分的。




1. Cheng, et al, Fasting-Mimicking Diet Promotes Ngn3-Driven β-Cell Regeneration to Reverse Diabetes,2017, Cell 168, 775–788.

2.Dodd et al., A Hypothalamic Phosphatase Switch Coordinates Energy Expenditure with Feeding,2017, Cell Metabolism 26, 375–393.
3. Meng et al., Glucose Sensing by Skeletal Myocytes Couples Nutrient Signaling to Systemic Homeostasis. 2017, Molecular Cell 66, 332–344.
4. Joseph P, et al, SMAD3 Negatively Regulates Serum Irisin and Skeletal Muscle FNDC5 and Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor -γ Coactivator 1-α (PGC-1α) during Exercise,2015,The Journal of Biological chemistry 290, 7671–7684.

