06.13 哈评双语|Debunking Four Myths About Employee Silence(员

哈评双语|Debunking Four Myths About Employee Silence(员工沉默的四大迷思)

If you’re like a lot of managers, you pride yourself on your open door and all the other ways you signal to employees that you welcome their input.And you probably believe that you’re actually hearing what’s on most people’s minds—after all, workers speak up in meetings, chat with you in the hall, and copy you on e-mails. Well, you’re not hearing as much as you think or as much as you need to.


In the latest phase of our decade’s worth of research on organizational silence, we piggybacked six questions onto the annual Cornell National Social Survey to explore how and when employees holdback. As you’d expect, they clam up when they’re afraid that speaking could get them into trouble. But surprisingly, the most common reason for withholding input is a sense of futility rather than fear of retribution.

我们研究组织沉默十年,前不久在一年一度的康奈尔全国社会调查(Cornell National Social Survey)中加入了六个问题,探索员工保持沉默的原因。可以想见,员工担心引来后患,就不会开口。然而令人惊讶的是,让员工保持沉默最普遍的原因是感觉徒劳无益,而不是害怕报复。

futility n. 无用;徒劳;无价值

retribution n. 报应;惩罚;报答;报偿

In part because employees do sometimes speakup, bosses are often unaware of their workers’ self-censorship.They imagine they’re hearing what’s important when in fact they’re being met with silence they’re simply unaware of.Think of the times you’ve kept your own mouth shut.There have probably been numerous instances, even if you’re generally candid (“I speakup a lot, but not about that issue, or in that setting, or to that manager”).The combination of tight-lipped employees and oblivious bosses buries constructive criticism, not to mention the unvarnished truth.Most important, itprevents good ideas from bubbling up through the organization.


Data from the 439 respondents who work fulltime and aren’t self-employed allow us to debunk four common myths managers believe about the flow of ideas and information from the rank and file.


MYTH 1Women and nonprofessional employees withhold more information than men and professional staffersbecause they are more concerned about consequences or more likely to see speaking up as futile.


There are no statistically significant differences between workers of different genders,education levels, or income levels in thelikelihood of holding back because of fear or assumptions of futility.


MYTH 2 If my employees are talking openlyto me, they’re not holding back.

Fully 42% of respondents report periodically speaking up but also withholding information when they feel theyhave nothing to gain—or something to lose—by sharing what’s on their minds.


MYTH 3If employees aren’t speaking up, it’s becausethey don’t feel safe doing so, despite all my efforts.More than 25% say they withhold feedback onroutine problems and opportunities for improvement to avoid wasting their time,not because they fear consequences.


MYTH 4 The only issues employees are scaredto raise involve serious allegations about illegal or unethical activities.About 20% say a fear of consequences has led them to withhold suggestions for addressing ordinary problems and making improvements.Such silence on day-to-day issues keeps managers from getting the information they need to prevent bigger problems—performance and otherwise—down the road.



James R. Detert is an assistant professorof management at Cornell’s Johnson School.Ethan R. Burris is an assistant professorof management at the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business. David A. Harrison is the Smeal Professor at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business.



编辑|王婷[email protected]


