12.31 盘点各类绘制 SCI 插图软件,寻找自己合适的那款最好

盘点各类绘制 SCI 插图软件,寻找自己合适的那款最好

PowerPoint 插件

  1. iSlide
  2. 口袋动画
  3. OK插件(OneKeyTools
  4. PPT美化大师
  5. NordriTools
  6. think-cell (https://www.think-cell.com)
  7. ScienceSlides (http://www.visiscience.com/)
  8. Office Timeline
  9. Project Timeline
  10. empower Charts
  11. Marimekko Chart
  12. Aploris

Excel 插件

  1. EasyCharts
  2. Gantt Chart for Excel、People Graph、Power Map、Power Query
  3. Macabacus (office)
  4. UpSlide (office)
  5. Power BI Desktop (independent)
  6. Zebra BI for Excel or Power BI
  7. Peltier Tech Utility 3.0 (Peltier Tech Charts for Excel 3.0)
  8. RegressIt (https://regressit.com/index.html)


  1. smart (https://smart.servier.com/)
  2. Library of Science & Medical Illustrations (https://www.somersault1824.com/science-illustrations/)
  3. shutterstock (https://www.shutterstock.com/zh/)
  4. freepik (Freepik | Download now millions of free vectors, photos and PSD files )
  5. motifolio (Scientific illustration Toolkits for Presentations and Publications)
  6. iconfinder (3,700,000+ free and premium vector icons. SVG, PNG, AI, CSH and PNG format.)
  7. streamline (Streamline 3.0)
  8. Leverage Your Science Communication (https://www.somersault1824.com/)
  9. unDRAW (https://undraw.co/)

2D 绘图与处理

  1. ImageJ (Fiji)
  2. Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Inkscape
  3. Affinity Photo, Pixelmator Pro, Artstudio Pro, Clip Studio Paint, PaintTool SAI, Autodesk SketchBook (free), Sketchable, Adobe Photoshop, ImageMagick
  4. Pathway Builder
  5. GIMP
  6. Inkscape
  7. BioRender (online), Cell Illustrator, CellDesigner, PathWhiz (http://smpdb.ca/pathwhiz), Mind the GRAPH, Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN)
  8. 成都科画
  9. visio, Chemdraw, ChemBioDraw Ultra, yEd, EDraw
  10. Lucidchart, OmniGraffle, http://draw.io
  11. R ggplot2, R Graphviz
  12. Python matplotlib (seaborn)
  13. Veusz (Veusz - a scientific plotting package)
  14. Plots in Julia
  15. matlab
  16. Mathematica
  17. LaTeX TikZ, Mathcha Mathematics Online Editor (Mathcha - Online Math Editor)
  18. Origin, Prism Graphpad, SigmaPlot, Igor Pro, ROOT
  19. gnuplot
  20. Xmgrace
  21. ACD canvas
  22. Cytoscape
  23. Circos
  24. TBtools
  25. Xmind
  26. Techosoft SciencePress
  27. CurveExpert

2D 动画

  1. 万彩动画大师 (简易用途)
  2. Clip Studio Paint
  3. Storyboarder (故事板,非专门动画用途)
  4. spriter pro
  5. Spine
  6. ComicStudio
  7. Adobe Animate, Adobe After Effects

3D 绘图与处理

  1. Blender (use Biolender if you are a biologist)
  2. Cinema 4D
  3. solidworks
  4. keyshot
  5. 3dsmax
  6. Autodesk 123D Design
  7. SketchUp
  8. ChemBio3D
  9. Autodesk Revit
  10. Siemens NX Unigraphics


  1. OMERO (https://www.openmicroscopy.org/omero/) 显微图片排版
  2. Affinity Publisher, Adobe InDesign, Adobe FreeHand, PageMaker
  3. DPS
  4. QuarkXPress
  5. 方正飞腾,方正飞翔
  6. Microsoft Publisher


  1. Mentimeter

