
Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery



玛雅·佩里(Maya Pery)是特拉维夫的一位艺术家和设计师。玛雅在纽约的普拉特学院和耶路撒冷的比撒列艺术设计学院学习艺术和设计。她运用独创的技术,将精致的手工和细致的数字绘画结合在一起,创作出了自己的艺术作品。


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

静水(Still Waters)△



Throughout the past year I have found myself wandering the port for hours, staring at the tied boats swaying from side to side with a creak and reflecting that a boat is not supposed to be cooped up in a bottle.


And here I am again engrossed in the deconstruction and assembly of images of boats;

once again stretching the creaking mast, blowing its sails; deconstructing and reconstructing a fictional story that takes shape on the material like rust.


The series of jewels was created out of a constant need in wandering, moving, and escaping, and on the other hand a longing for stability and a steady foundation.

The taught strings provide the jewels an anchoring point on the body, fastening the jewels to the garment, breathing life into them like tendons and veins, and linking the worlds.



Materials: copper, steel, enamel, fireline, cement based adhesives.

Techniques: enamel on steel, sawing and laser cutting, turning, spot welding, etching, corrosion.




"I have always been fascinated by all creatures walking on this planet and the way they’re all the same… same, but different. When I create my art, I try to catch that secret, powerful ingredient of life - a fragile moment when intimate familiarity and desire are born, when portraits and imaginary creatures can come to life, touching our souls with exhilaration and laughter.

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

▲Unicorn with a Pearl Earring


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?



I live in one of the most uniquely colorful, culturally-diverse and busy cities in the world. In the city, we all must be serious and controlled - go to work or school, act like adults, do what we should do…

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?


but, in my eyes, deep down, we’re all just like animals closed in a cage, beautiful creatures who want to break free. I wish we could all feel free to release that bizarre animal we have inside and make room for all the others.


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

△爱山| 泰国餐厅

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

△平衡| Healthy Lifestyle App

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

△TipTop | 网上商城

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

△ARTOOL | 数码插画应用


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

△Urbangreen | 建筑工程

Urbangreen是Amiram Miara的建筑项目。该基于研究的项目提供了一种新的体系结构设计方式。他们设计的结构将绿色环境与

住宅建筑内的公园融为一体 。该品牌的设计旨在在该项目的绿色,年轻和创新价值之间展现美丽的平衡,同时保持严格,正式和专业的感觉。


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?


这本小说是屡获殊荣的以色列作家哈娜·戈德堡(Hana Goldberg)的畅销书。这是一部色情悬念小说,讲述了一个年轻女子发现自己隐藏的激情的旅程。封面旨在强调书中所传达的色情和紧张感,使之与年轻女性相呼应,且简洁明了。


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

电影:Aya and her mother (Aya和她的母亲)

玛雅·佩里(Maya Pery)在其中担任艺术总监


Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

Maya Pery | 藏在你身体里的动物是什么?

