

《財富》雜誌在面向專業人士的調研中通過九項公司表現指標對企業進行綜合評估。結果顯示,世邦魏理仕在其中八項關鍵指標 -- “財務優勢”、“全球競爭力”、“業務創新”、“長期投資”、“管理質量”、“人員管理”、“服務質量”和“企業資產使用”方面的表現均位居房地產行業首位。

Fortune grades companies on nine attributes related to corporate performance, based on surveys of industry participants. CBRE led the real estate sector on eight key performance attributes – financial soundness, global capabilities, innovation, long-term investment, management quality, people management, service quality, and use of corporate assets.

CBRE全球總裁兼首席執行官Bob Sulentic表示:“該評選是對全球企業聲譽的權威表彰。 在‘全球最受尊敬企業’評選中再次榮登房地產行業榜單首位是對世邦魏理仕團隊在業務各方面持續追求卓越的充分肯定,我們對此感到十分自豪。”

This is a key measure of corporate reputation and we are proud that our people’s strong focus on excellence in every aspect of our business has once again made us the top real estate company on Fortune’s Most Admired list,” said Bob Sulentic, president and chief executive officer of CBRE.


Drawing from a base of some 1,500 companies, Fortune evaluated 680 companies from 30 countries in determining the World’s Most Admired Companies. The real estate sector encompasses REITs, property owners, hotel and health care facility operators, residential firms and other companies. Fortune surveys board directors, executives and financial analysts to determine the individual company scores and rankings.


