中國史上最貴的瓷器之一,明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶

明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶

中國史上最貴的瓷器之一,明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶

中國史上最貴的瓷器之一,明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶

中國史上最貴的瓷器之一,明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶

中國史上最貴的瓷器之一,明宣德 青花海水白龍紋扁瓶


Bottle round mouth, slightly extravagant mouth edge, long neck from top to bottom gradually widening, flat round belly, elliptical shallow circle foot. The whole body is decorated with blue and white flowers. The bottle mouth and neck are covered with scrolls of grass and twisted branches and lotuses for one week each. The abdomen is a blue and white sea dragon pattern. A vigorous white dragon roams in the boundless sea. The white dragon looks back on the melody and must flutter, stretch out its limbs and call out. Green and white waves rolling up and down, surging, and see spots of black spots, there is a sense of overwhelming, splashing water, head-on. Especially with blue and white dots white dragon's eyes, more and more vivid.


During the Xuande period, there was a saying that "all information is available, blue and white are valuable". The decoration process of the bottle is to draw the outline of the dragon pattern and the details of the dragon's eyes, crown hair, thick lips, teeth, claw toes and scales with pointed tools on the ceramic blank, then paint the rough sea water with blue and white materials around the dragon body and apply transparent glaze, and sinter in the kiln at high temperature. Historically, in Xuande period, blue and white mostly used the cobalt material "Su Nibo Qing" which Zheng He brought back from the Western Ocean. It was dark and bright in color, like sapphire. There was often dizziness between lines, like ink in ink painting, and black spots, which made the picture have a remarkable artistic effect.

咸豐十年(1860年),英法聯軍攻入北京,焚燒聞名於世界的萬園之園—圓明園,而大清康熙皇帝為自己在京西修建的第一座大型御園中,收藏的無數中華五千年文明的藝術瑰寶也被英法聯軍一掃而光,但這個記載這件明代國寶青花卻一直有幸保存了下來,原來它被一名法國軍官孟鬥班並將其帶回法國,一直保存完好, 直至2007年底, 世界金融危機時,被旅居法國經商多年的愛國華僑周先生獲悉後,請國內外著名的幾位瓷器鑑定大家鑑定後,從孟鬥班後人手中把這件國寶以380萬英鎊的高價收購,就是為了不讓中華的國寶流失海外,在這期間,英國佳士得得知這件國寶青花,一直勸說周先生在英國拍賣,而周先生一直堅持這件國寶“迴歸祖國”,經江蘇萬達國際拍賣有限公司十幾次的上門懇請,周先生終於被誠心打動,決定在江蘇萬達國際拍賣有限公司春季拍賣會 重新揭開這件國寶的神秘面紗。請參閱《中國陶瓷藝術》2010年12月版P420李知宴主編,《故宮博物院珍賞》P108

In the 10th year of Xianfeng (1860), the Anglo-French allied forces invaded Beijing and burned the Yuanmingyuan, the world-famous garden of ten thousand gardens. In the first large imperial garden built by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, countless artistic treasures of five thousand years of Chinese civilization were wiped out by the Anglo-French allied forces, but this record of the Ming Dynasty National treasure has been fortunately preserved, and it was originally preserved. Meng Douban, a French officer, took it back to France and kept it in good condition until the end of 2007. When the world financial crisis came to light, Mr. Zhou, a patriotic overseas Chinese who had been in France for many years, asked several famous Chinese and foreign experts to identify it. After that, he purchased the national treasure at a high price of 3.8 million from the back of Meng Douban, in order to prevent the loss of the national treasure of China. Overseas, Christie's learned about the treasure and persuaded Mr. Zhou to auction it in Britain. Mr. Zhou insisted on returning the treasure to his motherland. After more than a dozen entreaties from Jiangsu Wanda International Auction Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhou was finally moved by his sincerity and decided to reopen the treasure at the spring auction of Jiangsu Wanda International Auction Co., Ltd. Mysterious veil. Please refer to P420 Li Zhibanquet Editor-in-Chief of "Chinese Ceramic Art" Dec. 2010, "The Palace Museum Treasure" P108.

