




據路透社最新報道,非營利組織RISC-V基金會的首席執行官 Calista Redmond在接受路透社採訪時說到,為了確保美國以外的大學,政府和公司可以幫助開發其開源技術,他們計劃將其總部遷往瑞士。

3月17日,RISC-V基金會全體會員已收悉Calista Redmond發送的郵件,正式宣佈基金會總部搬遷到瑞士,目前基金會的法律實體已經過渡到瑞士,不再續簽美國基金會的會員資格。

雖然RISC-V ISA如同HTTP5一樣屬於公開的技術標準,不會受到任何國家的約束,其開源文本也不受各種技術出口條款的限制,但在基金會範圍內的開放合作、技術標準、研究成果及知識產權(IP)領域仍然存在潛在的政治風險。


Dear RISC-V Members,

Together we have built an incredible community across our many interests in realizing the vision of an open ISA to revolutionize the silicon industry. Our progress has captured the attention and investment of stakeholders globally and we are humbled and grateful for the dedication, collaboration, and commitment of RISC-V members. Today we are building on our success and opening up the potential to build a stronger community with greater impact and potential as we enter our next phase of mainstream adoption.

The RISC-V Foundation Board of Directors and I are honored to announce that we have now officially formed the RISC-V International Association (“RISC-V”) in Switzerland and we personally invite you to join the organization as our official new home via the new membership options.

The following details will set the context for the move to Switzerland and new membership levels.

Why move to Switzerland?

We’ve heard from broad industry and community leaders on the potential for geopolitical disruption related to open collaboration and IP access. While there are no restrictions or embargoes on the leverage of RISC-V by any nation, company, or individual, this has been an ongoing area of concern. We appreciate that the possibility of disruption has been cited as a reason to hold back investment and strategic adoption. Switzerland has been selected for our legal incorporation based on a history of strong support of open source technology and software, collaboration, and low risk of geo political disruption.

Under Swiss jurisdiction, what will change?

Moving the incorporation to Switzerland does not change the fundamental purpose or main IP provisions of RISC-V. We are however making a small number of changes in our regulations to be more inclusive, offer stronger leadership representation across our membership, and to fund programs to accelerate RISC-V for our community and industry.

-Inclusive. All technical and business work groups, task groups, and committees in general will continue to be non-confidential.

-Stronger governance, broader leadership. Under the new membership options, every level will have opportunity to elect representation on the Board of Directors.

-Enabling programs for the RISC-V community and industry. We have reset the membership levels to be more consistent with larger open source organizations and best practices. As part of this we are including a new top level that will contribute greater financial support to build meaningful programs to serve the entire community. These programs center on 6 principles: Technical deliverables, Compliance and Certification, Visibility, Learning and Training, Advocacy and Outreach, and Marketplace.

What are the new Membership options?

We now offer three membership options to serve the broadest interests for RISC-V development and adoption. The basic differences between membership levels are listed here. More detail on all membership and governance is available in our Regulations and Membership documents.

-Community membership. This level is available to universities and non-profit organizations, as well as individuals not affiliated with a legal entity. Companies may not join this level. Community membership carries no annual membership fee and includes all benefits of full membership. The members at this level will have the right to nominate one representative to the Board from University/organization members and one representative for individual members.

-Strategic membership. This level includes companies, organizations, and other legal entities and conveys all of the benefits of full membership. The members at this level will incur an annual membership fee based on the employee size of their legal entity as follows: less than 500 employees -- the annual fee is $5,000 USD, between 500-5,000 employees – the annual fee is $15,000 USD, and for 5,000+ employees – the annual fee is $35,000 USD. The members at this level will have the right to nominate three representatives to the Board of Directors.

-Premier membership. This level includes any legal entity with deep interest and financial support with all the benefits for full membership. The members at this level have two options for participation. The Board level includes a representative on the Board of Directors as well as on the Technical Steering Committee and carries an annual membership fee of $250,000 USD. A second option Premier TSC level includes a representative on the Technical Steering Committee for an annual membership fee of $100,000 USD. The Premier TSC level will have the right to nominate Board representatives together with the Strategic members.

How will the Swiss and membership option transition work?

We are working together with the community to make this transition as seamless as possible. The key documents for the new Swiss foundation are located at https://riscv.org/membership-application/. Please review the documents together with any internal approval processes or counsel as soon as possible.

Sign-up is now available at all levels. We will also begin accepting nominations for Board reps from Community, Strategic, and Premier TSC members through May 31, 2020 for Board nominations and elections to be held in June 2020. Membership in the new entity is required to participate.

All member-only activities will transition to the new Swiss structure immediately and allow for participation by both US and Swiss RISC-V members through August 31, 2020. Beginning September 1, 2020, membership in the Swiss RISC-V entity is required to participate in member-only activities.

Once you’ve selected your new membership level and submitted the online membership form, we will apply your pro-rated remaining membership fees from the US entity as a credit to your new Swiss entity membership. You’ll receive an electronic invoice at the new level.

Beginning immediately, we will not be renewing US entity memberships as we transition the legal entity to Switzerland. Beginning September 1, 2020 we will be transitioning the US entity to be a non-membership organization. At that time, remaining members who have not yet transitioned to a Swiss organization membership will be contacted individually.



我和RISC-V基金會董事會很榮幸地宣佈,我們現已在瑞士正式成立“RISC-V 國際協會(“ RISC-V”),我們親自邀請您通過新會員的方式加入到這個新的官方組織。



















