
真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

翻译 | 艾丽娜

The coronavirus' relentless spread is exposing Donald Trump to a question no president wants to hear: Is he up to the job?



Tuesday, March 17, 2020

From: CNN

For supporters and opponents alike, questions about Trump's basic competence as a manager of the federal government have taken a back seat during his presidency to the fierce controversies over his personal behavior, his language (particularly on issues relating to race and culture) and his policy agenda.


Trump revives fight with New York governor amid coronavirus crisis


"It's what happened with Jimmy Carter in the hostage thing: [The public concluded] he's incompetent, he doesn't know what he was doing," says Matthew Dowd, a former senior strategist for Bush. "Once that was happening, it didn't matter what else he did. The same was true of George W. Bush, once the Katrina thing crystallized it. Once those things happened neither one of them ever recovered."

前布什的高级战略家马修•多德(Matthew Dowd)说:“这就是吉米•卡特(Jimmy Carter)在人质事件中所发生的事情:(公众得出结论)他很无能,他不知道自己在做什么。”一旦这样的事情发生了,他做什么都不重要了。布什(George W. Bush)也是如此,卡特里娜飓风使其具体化。一旦这些事情发生了,他们就再也没有恢复过来。”

Trump hasn't yet reached that tipping point: Polls so far show that public attitudes about his handling of the outbreak almost completely track the long-standing divisions around his overall job performance. But Democrats believe the cascading risk created by the virus is highlighting aspects of Trump's personality and management style that Americans were more willing to tolerate before the nation faced such an acute and disruptive challenge.


真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

Ideology vs. competence


The unprecedented scale and reach of the coronavirus challenge will test the assumption among many political experts that in our highly polarized political era, ideological and cultural affinity is eclipsing results in office as the principal determinant of a president's support.


Since the 1990s, political strategists and political scientists alike have concluded that more and more Americans are permanently locked into each party's coalition, with fewer swing voters available for either side to woo.


In effect, that judgment means that the share of voters who support a president based on his ideology and cultural identityis growing, while the portion that bases its decisions on thepresident's performance is shrinking. In terms of the public's approval of a president, results such as the state of the economy or his handling of a crisis "are probably less important now than they used to be, because with increasing polarization everything comes down to partisanship and policy agreement," says Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist at Emory University.


做出决定的选民比例在下降。就公众对总统的支持率而言,经济状况或他对危机的处理等结果“现在可能没有过去那么重要了, 因为随着两极分化的加剧,一切都归结于党派之争和政策协议。” 埃默里大学的政治学家艾伦·阿布拉莫维茨(Alan Abramowitz)说道。

Trump has embraced and intensified that polarization more unreservedly than any president before him. He has governed in a manner that concedes almost nothing on any major policy issue to any constituencies outside of the Republican coalition, and he has expressed, often with lacerating ferocity, the anxieties and resentments of the voters most uneasy about cultural, demographic and economic change (as when he told four House Democratic women of color to "go back" where they came from). Only a few hours after he had appeared notably more restrained at his news conference, Trump turned back to those racially inflammatory tactics by describing the outbreak in a tweet as "the Chinese virus."

特朗普比他之前的任何总统都更毫无保留地接受并加剧了这种两极分化。在任何重大政策问题上,他都几乎不向共和党联盟以外的任何选民做出任何让步, 他表达了对文化、人口和经济变化最为不安的选民的焦虑和不满,而且往往带有尖酸的愤怒(如当他告诉四个众议院民主党少数族裔女性“滚回”他们该回的地方)。就在几个小时前,他在新闻发布会上表现得更为克制,结束之后他又回到了那些种族煽动性的策略上,他在推特上称此次疫情为“中国病毒”。

真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

In a recent national survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, fully 87% of Republicans -- and almost two-thirds of all whites without college degrees-- said that Trump fights for what they believe in.

无党派机构皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)最近进行的一项全国性调查显示,87%的共和党人——以及几乎三分之二没有大学学位的白人——表示,特朗普为他们的信仰而战。

Most observers believe that through this approach Trump has forged a bond with his political base that will prove impervious to almost any questions about his response to the coronavirus outbreak or the economic slowdown that appears certain to accompany it.


But most experts in both parties agree the political base that passionately embraces Trump's rhetoric and agenda is probably closer to 40% than 50% of the electorate. To win reelection, Dowd notes, Trump needs another "8 to 10 points" of ambivalent voters who may be conflicted about his behavior or policy priorities but have been satisfied with the results of his presidency, particularly on the economy. Those are the voters, Dowd argues, who "do put a premium on competence."


Doubts are hard to recover from


Trump has certainly provided voters with plenty of reasons to question his competence since the first US coronavirus case was diagnosed in late January. He has repeatedly delivered upbeat messages about the course of the outbreak that have been contravened by public health officials and events themselves, and he has offered misleading information on everything from the availability of tests to the capacity of a Google-designed website to help Americans find care. Above all, the administration has suffered a catastrophic failure in developing and deploying the capacity to test large numbers of Americans for the virus; those tests, the administration says, are rolling out in greater quantity this week, but that is two months after the initial diagnosis.


真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

A question of timing


"I just can't recall anything where the basic facts of anything so fundamental have to go through a political filter and the perception [of what's happening] depends on which side of the fence you are on," said Kettl.


These poll results show just how difficult it is for any new information to cross the long-standing political chasmbetween red and blue, which has widened further under Trump. Yet it may be premature to conclude that questions about his handling of the virus, and the likely economic fallout, will not ultimately affect his standing.


Ferguson, an adviser to Navigator Research, a Democratic organization that studies public opinion and messaging, says the crisis is forcing attention to many aspects of Trump's behavior that voters remain most uncomfortable about. The group's polling, he says, has found that most Americans believe that Trump's response has been incompetent, untrustworthyand more concerned about protecting his political interests than public health.

研究民意和信息的民主党组(Navigator Research)的顾问弗格森(Ferguson)说,这场危机迫使人们关注特朗普行为的很多方面,选民们仍然对这些方面感到最不舒服。他说,该组织的民意调查发现,大多数美国人认为特朗普的回应是


"Voters had preexisting notions about Trump on his character, his competence and his health care agenda, and this crisis has confirmed their worst fears about all three," Ferguson argues. "More of the country has doubts about his ability to do the job than at any point since he was sworn in."


真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

Ultimately, even in a highly polarized era, Trump may prove hostage to events. Perceptions about his handling of the crisis today may not look the same if more Americans see tangible impacts in their own lives, especially beyond the big Democratic-leaning metropolitan areas that already have responded most aggressively. Public health officials warn that the outbreak may not peak for weeks. At best that means disruption of ordinary life will continue well into the spring; at worst, it could mean chaotic scenes of hospitals overrun as the caseload and death roll rise.


The political arguments over Trump's response, Kettl says, "in a sense, are not going to matter in a week or two, because the facts will bear out which side of the fence turns out to be right. If it turns out what the President has said is counter to what the virus decides to do, that could very well be his Katrina moment but multiplied 1,000 times over. The (virus) itself will decide which side is right on this one."


真外刊精读 | 疫情危机下,特朗普还能连任吗?

