
国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

整合 | 陈昱 祝思琪








1 政治

Sunak steps in to save workers

with historic rescue package


@ The Times,March 21 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

Millions of workers facing layoffs will have their wages paid by the government for at least three months in the latest multibillion-pound injection to stop the economy from collapsing.


Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, told companies that the state would pay 80 per cent of wages up to £2,500 a month for workers who would otherwise have been made redundant.

英国财政大臣里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)对企业表示,针对那些原本会被裁员的工人,政府将为其支付80%的工资,最高达每月2500英镑。

Mr Sunak said that the measure, a key plank in the latest rescue that will cost the Treasury billions a month, meant that Britain’s economic response was “one of the most comprehensive in the world”. In addition to the “unlimited” wage-support scheme, the chancellor put another £7 billion into the welfare system. He said that it would be funded from borrowing.


2 经济

Coronavirus shuts down Ferrari, Lamborghini plants


@ Fox News,17 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot maker PSA Group are stopping almost all car production in Europe while Volkswagen has shut factories in Italy and Spain, as global manufacturers try to protect workers from the spread of the new coronavirus and supply lines start to break down.

菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)和标致雪铁龙集团(Peugeot maker PSA Group)几乎关闭了欧洲全部的生产线,大众(Volkswagen)则关闭了它们在意大利和西班牙的工厂。全球制造商都在努力保护它们的工人免受新型冠状病毒的传播影响,因此供应链开始崩溃。

U.S. factories largely remain open, though some say that could change if parts shortages become critical or public health guidelines change. Factories in the U.S. are starting to suffer as supply chain issues from products made in China and Europe continue to build. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Monday reported the sharpest drop on record for a state manufacturing index.


Why Russia’s Vladimir Putin is in no mood

to call oil war truce with Saudi Arabia



@ Bloomberg,20 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

Russian President Vladimir Putin will refuse to submit to what the Kremlin sees as oil blackmail from Saudi Arabia, signalling the price war that is roiling global energy markets will continue.

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)将拒绝屈服于被克里姆林宫视作来自沙特阿拉伯的石油勒索,这意味着这场撼动全球能源市场的价格战将继续打下去。

The unprecedented clash between the two giant exporters – and former Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+) allies – threatens to push the price of a barrel below US$20, but the Kremlin will not be the first to blink and seek a truce, said people familiar with the government’s position.


Putin’s government has spent years building reserves for this kind of crisis. While Russia did not expect the Saudis to trigger a price war, the people said, the Kremlin so far is confident that it can hold out longer than Riyadh.


3 社会

UEFA postpones EURO 2020 by 12 month


@ UEFA.com,18 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

Priority is given to completing domestic competitions in an unprecedented solidarity move by UEFA. Working groupsare set up to examine possibilities for this season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League competitions.

欧洲足球协会联盟(UEFA)将以前所未有的团结行动优先完成国内的足球赛事,同时成立了工作组来研究完成本赛季欧冠(UEFA Champions League)和欧洲联赛(UEFA Europa League)的可能性。

UEFA today announced the postponement of UEFA EURO 2020, due to be played in June and July this year,inorder to avoid placing any unnecessary pressure on national public services involved in staging matches. The move will help all domestic competitions, currently on hold due to the COVID-19 emergency, to be completed.

欧足联今日宣布推迟本应在今年六月或七月举办的2020年欧洲足球锦标赛(UEFA EURO 2020),以避免为举行比赛的国家的公共服务增添不必要的负担,此举也有助于完成现在因为突发新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情而暂停的各国国内赛事。

All UEFA competitions and matches (including friendlies) for clubs and national teams for both men and women have been put on hold until further notice. The UEFA EURO 2020 play-off matches and international friendlies, scheduled for the end of March, will now be played in the international window at the start of June.


Widow of Yuri Gagarin,

first human in space, dies at 84


@ The Associated Press,18 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

MOSCOW -- The widow of Yuri Gagarin, the first human to fly to space, died Tuesday. She was 84.

尤里·加加林(Yuri Gagarin,)的遗孀于本周二在莫斯科去世,享年84岁。

Russia's space agency Roscosmos announced Valentina Gagarina's death in a short statement, offering condolences to her relatives. It didn't give any details about the cause or circumstances of her death.

俄罗斯联邦航天局宣布了在一项简短的声明中宣布了瓦伦蒂娜·加加林娜(Valentina Gagarina)的死讯,对她的亲人表示哀悼,但没有给出任何关于其死因的细节。

Following Gagarin's 1968 death in an air crash, Gagarina worked as a biochemical experts at the Star City cosmonaut training center outside Moscow. She dodged the media but published a book of memoirs about her husband.


YouTube to promote ‘authoritative’

virus content on homepage


@ AFP,20 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

YouTube has unveiled a fresh effort to stem the spread of coronavirus misinformation with a “news shelf” on its homepage promoting “authoritative content.”


The move is the latest by technology platforms to curb the sharing of rumours and hoaxes about the pandemic, with Facebook having announced a similar action this week.


“We want everyone to have access to authoritative content during this trying time, so we’re launching a COVID-19 news shelf on our homepage in 16 countries,” the Google-owned video sharing service said in a statement on Twitter late Thursday.


“We’ll expand to more countries, as well.”


4 国际形势

Coronavirus: How to help Italy recover


@ Fox News,20 March 2020

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

Italy has been at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak that has claimed lives around the world and rattled the global economy.


On Thursday, the number of people in Italy who have died from the virus surpassed the number in China, where the disease originated late last year.


According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, there have been 3,405 deaths in Italy – just ahead of China’s 3,130 – resulting from the coronavirus outbreak.

根据约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的最新数据,意大利因冠状病毒爆发而死亡的人数为3405人,略高于中国的3130人。

国际热点 | 苏纳克采取历史性的救援方案拯救工人

