Gearbox的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世了

Gearbox Software的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世了。该消息已由Gearbox Software的Twitter官方帐户确认。

We are heartbroken after learning today of the passing of one of our cofounders, Landon Montgomery," the statement reads. "In our earliest years, Landon played a big role in helping to set our path. We will always be thankful and remember him for being a part of our lives. During this trying time, our thoughts, support, and affection are with those who were closest to him.

得知我们的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世的消息,我们感到非常悲痛。在Gearbox早期Landon给予了我们很大的帮助。我们将铭记并对他永怀感激之心。在这个艰难的时期,我们将会支持他的亲朋好友。

Gearbox的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世了

蒙哥马利参与了过去十年中一些最著名的游戏系列,包括《半条命》,《武器兄弟》,《光晕:战斗进化》等。在90年代,他曾与Bethesda Softworks短暂合作,担任美术师和关卡设计师。在1999年共同创立了Gearbox Software之后,蒙哥马利(Montgomery)于2010年离开工作室。去世时,他被英伟达(Nvidia)聘用,在此之前的短暂时间是担任Daybreak Game Company总经理。

Gearbox的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世了

消息已经在各大媒体平台被爆出,Gearbox Software的共同创始人兰迪·皮特福德(Randy Pitchford)发表文章悼念。

Landon will live on in the memory of our earliest games from our work with Half-Life and Halo to the creation of our first, original game Brothers in Arms. Aloha, Landon. 25, 2020


Gearbox的联合创始人Landon Montgomery去世了

