蜀道景觀 璨若明珠(漢英對照)

蜀道景觀 璨若明珠

Ancient Sichuan Road, a Glimmering Pearl


Located at the ancient Sichuan Road, Zitong has been a must-pass place between Sichuan and Shaanxi, a strategic pass that has inspired untold people for its beauty.


The so-called ancient Sichun Road refers to a road in ancient times connecting the Xianyang, capital of Qin, and Chengdu, capital of Shu, which had shaped its initial form in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. According to Shang Shu, when King Wu fought against King Zhou, troops of Shu all marched from the ancient Sichuan Road to support the former. During the Warring States Period, King Hui of Qin was going to overthrow Shu and he sent gold oxen and beauties to seduce King of Shu and the latter sent five men to greet envoys from Qing. When they came to Zitong, they saw a huge serpent enter a mountain cave; they tried to pull the snake out, resulting the falling of the mountain, leaving a road open to Qin troops, which overthrew Shu. Inspired by such legend, this ancient Sichuan Road was also called the Gold Oxen Road, and Li Bai in his poem "The Impassible Road of Shu" gives such a description: "The falling mountain killed the brave men, then high leading steps and stone paths were connected".


The thousands of years of history of Zitong has left numerous ancient remains and places of interest along the ancient Sichuan Road, including the site where the five brave men left their swords in cutting through the mountain, the Guwakou Pass Battlefield where Zhang Fei contended vigorously with Zhang He, Wolong Mountain where Zhuge Liang stationed main troops during his North Expeditions, Changqing reading platform used by the Sima Xiangru who traveled to Zitong, the place where Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty heard ringing bells when he "took an imperial tour to Shu", the ancient battlefield where Li Zicheng contended with Hong Yongchou, the family temple recognized by Zhang Xianzhong "by claiming he and Wenchang to be descended from the same ancestors", as well as the place where Wenchang emerged and the glimmering ancient architectural complex of the grand temple .... All the joys and sorrows, merits and demerits of these elites over the centuries have contributed to the richness and world fame of the ancient Sichuan Road.


Once in Sichuan by the ancient Sichuan Road from Baoji, the road is shrouded in mists and clouds, with turns all the way and hanging cliffs everywhere, and the roughness continues till Zitong. At the foot of Mount Qiqu is a "Pavilion of Seeing off Dangers". It is recorded that "' The Pavilion of Seeing off Dangers' is 10 li north of the county of Zitong County, meaning that the dangers of the Shu Road end here, hence the name". Zhang Xinghai, magistrate of Zitong County in the Qing Dynasty once wrote a couplet: "Very step dangerous, you can see off the smooth journey as well as the risky; each end leading to the each other, only when the road is flat can you put your heart to rest". The lines really tell a lot about the Shu Road.


Whoever has read Li Bai's "the Impassible Road of Shu" cannot fail to remember his famous lines: "The Road of Shu is so impassible that it is like a climb to the sky". In fact, it is not all true. As you enter the well-known Green Clouds Corridor, you will be greeted with another sight: ancient cypresses surrounding the road and keeping out the sun. "Each rock can serve as a rest place and every spot deserves lines of praise". Such wonderful places hidden deep between overlapping peaks and winding narrow paths! The Road should be described as miraculous instead of impassible. After visiting the Road, an American expert on forestry remarked in awe: "the ancient Road is a world wonder, comparable with the Road of Ancient Rome, but the latter is no longer there."


Since the start of the policy of Reform and Opening up, the ancient Sichuan Road at Jianmen, a State-level scenic spot, has shown fresh brilliance with new looks, gaining fame at home and abroad as the ancient Gold Oxen Road.

