

薩拉·帕克斯頓·鮑爾·多德森(Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson)是她那一代最有技術成就的藝術家之一。她對草圖和油畫技術的掌握,加上她雄心勃勃的構圖意識和對細節的洞察力,導致了令人印象深刻的職業生涯,但不幸的是,這一職業生涯在20世紀的大部分時間裡都被忽視了。她在費城出生長大。她的父親是一名雕刻師,所以她的藝術基礎從孩提時代就開始了。然而,她的正式訓練直到1872年她父親去世後才開始,當時她作為克里斯蒂安·舒塞勒(Christian Schussele)的私人學生進入賓夕法尼亞美術學院(Pennsylvania Academy Of The Fine Arts)學習。她是後來前往巴黎學習的眾多美國女性之一,從1873年開始,她加入了Évariste Vital Llumais的工作室三年。1885年,她回到美國,在返回法國之前,她擴大了自己的曲目,將空中風景包括在內。她採用了一種反映了許多影響的詩歌風格:前拉斐爾派(特別是在她選擇公開的宗教題材方面)、法國象徵主義和仙女繪畫(這一時期在英國達到了頂峰)。象徵主義的影響和她對肖像學的熱愛在這幅1891年畫的作品中可見一斑,那一年她搬到了英國的布賴頓。它的新藝術細節和蝴蝶圖案的選擇使它成為這個時代的完美召喚。

Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson was one of the most technically accomplished artists of her generation. Her mastery of draftsmanship and oil technique, combined with her ambitious sense of composition and eye for detail, led to an impressive career that was tragically cut short and was much overlooked for much of the 20th century.

She was born and raised in Philadelphia. Her father was an engraver, so her artistic grounding began from early childhood. Her formal training however did not commence until after the death of her father in 1872 when she enrolled as a private pupil of Christian Schussele at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. She was one of many American women who then went on to Paris to study, joining the atelier of Évariste Vital Luminais for three years from 1873.

In 1885 she returned to the United States and widened her repertoire to include plein-air landscapes before returning to France. She adopted a poetic style that reflected many influences: the Pre-Raphaelites (especially in her choice of overtly religious subject matter), French Symbolism, and fairy painting (which was at its height in Britain in this period). The influence of symbolism and her love of iconography is evident in this work painted in 1891, the year she moved to Brighton, England. Its Art Nouveau details and choice of butterfly motif make it the perfect evocation of the age.

