你 被 催 婚 了 嗎 ?

你 被 催 婚 了 嗎 ?






Have you been pushed to get married?



來澳洲留學的寶寶們,大部分都是讀本科(bachelor)和讀研究生(master)的居多。 有些同學在上學期間,就已經有男女朋友了。需不知,bachelor或者master畢業後大家可能就因為這樣那樣的原因分道揚鑣了,修成正果的couple真的是鳳毛麟角。

獨身主義(celibate)?求婚(propose)?成為彼此的未婚夫(betrothed husband)/未婚妻(intended wife/betrothed wife)?結婚?不存在的。

首先,畢業後是回國還是留澳?這個問題斬斷(cut off)了多少段戀情啊! 如果回國,異地戀(long-distance relationship)可能也會不了了之,畢竟父母總會給你提供“更好”的選擇。┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍


日常微信裡,都是跟爸媽鬥智鬥勇,你永遠不知道,哪句話是催婚的坑。 打個電話,可能就要面臨著爺爺奶奶都出來戰鬥,讓你覺得再不結婚就是罪大惡極,不忠不孝。

偶爾回個國,打個麻將可能是三方會談(trilateral talks),任何人都可能是紅娘(marriage broker/matchmaker)。 吃個飯可能都不安穩,畢竟免費的晚餐不一定是溫馨的家庭聚會(family gathering),而是被安排的明明白白的相親局(blind date)。

不說80後90初的哥哥姐姐了,95年的娃子們都已經開始向剩男剩女(leftover women and men)發展了(這必須是出於父母的原話)。 這會兒,經濟壓力(economic pressure),工作壓力(working pressure)是不是在挑戰你們的感情?分分鐘就想分手(break up),這邊PTE還沒分手呢,感情裡先分手了。


Australian parents don’t get involved in their children’s relationships. It’s generally up to the couple weather they get married or just live together or have a baby.

然後考個PTE,還能遇到這樣的作文題: It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

真的是分分鐘被暴擊。 吐槽完,我們還是老老實實刷PTE的題吧,婚姻相關類,你值得擁有。


均可在 http://PTEstudy.com 網站




Marriage is a big step in anyone’s life and there is an argument to be made against getting married too early. As any newlywed couple knows, there is a huge amount of financial pressure associated with marriage. Firstly, the wedding reception and honeymoon will cost you an arm and a leg.

Then there’s the matter of home loans, rent and energy bills. If you’re looking to start a family, your child’s education is another thing you need to save up for. Teenagers should probably find a proper job before deciding to tie the knot.



She is related to him by marriage.


A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.


After I got married, my French got better since I started speaking French with my wife.

ASQ 部分


What do we call the ceremony where people get married?




What do you call the female partner in a marriage?



What can we call the practice of having two wives or husbands?



A man whose wife is dead Is he a widow or widower?


FIB 部分


In 2005, 109,000 new marriages were registered in Australia. This was equivalent to 5.4 marriages for every 1,000 people in the population. This rate has been in overall decline since 1986 when there were 7.2 marriages per 1,000 people. Over the same period, the crude divorce rate has remained relatively unchanged with 2.6 divorces for every 1,000 people in 2005 and 2.5 divorces per 1,000 people in 1986. The greatest annual number of divorces occurred in 2001 when there were 55,300 divorces recorded. This peak has been followed by recent declines, with 52,400 divorces in 2005. As well as marrying less, Australians are tending to marry later than in the past. In 1986, the median age at first marriage for men was 25.6 years, increasing to 30.0 years in 2005. For women, the median age at first marriage increased from 23.5 years in 1986 to 28.0 years in 2005. People are also divorcing at older ages. In 2005, the median age of divorcing men was 43.5 years, compared with 37.5 years in 1986, while for women the median age in 2005 was 40.8 compared with 34.7 years in 1986. The decline in marriage rates and increase in divorce rates has led to a decrease in the proportion of the population that is formally married. In 1986, 60% of the population aged 15 years and over were married; by 2001 this proportion had decreased to 55%. conversely, the proportion of the population aged 15 years and over who were never married increased from 29% in 1986 to 32% in 2001.


The stock of Australia's dwellings is evolving, with current homes having more bedrooms on average than homes ten years ago. At the same time, households are getting smaller on average with decreasing proportions of couple families with children and increasing couple only and lone person households. This article examines the changes in household size and number of bedrooms from 1994-95 to 2003-04.


Research has suggested that major stresses in our lives are life changes, for example, moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work-related factors, including unemployment and boredom, are also common causes of stress. Differences in personality may also play a part.



It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, whether getting married early is beneficial for people or not has attracted controversies. Some people suggest that young adults should not marry before getting a job, while others believe that young people have the right to marry whenever they want to. In my opinion, getting married too early may have adverse effects on marriage stability due to social reasons.

Most university students are not mature enough to take responsibility for a family. Firstly, schools provide students with a simple environment, and students have no idea how complex their lives can be after entering society. For example, these young adults only need to consider assignments and exams when they are in universities, which means they may turn out to be a different person to whom they used to be after entering the society. Also, establishing a family requires a considerable amount of money to support the honeymoon and wedding, and most school students are unable to afford it.

Moreover, university students need to find employment after finishing school and being financially independent. It is possible that some companies require fresh graduates to work in different countries for several years, which means young couples may face distance for the long-term which has detrimental effects on marriage stability.

To sum up, I am more inclined to the view that young adults should not get married before graduating and obtaining a job, even though they have the right to marry after reaching adulthood. (229 words)


