
The Decision Not to Air Trump’s Coronavirus Briefing Is Commendable, and Overdue — Opinion


Tyler Hersko 泰勒Hersko

Indiewire 週刊April 3, 2020, 12:53 PM GMT+82020年4月3日,格林尼治標準時間下午12:53 +8

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After days of internal newsroom pressure and external criticisms, CNN and MSNBC cut away from President Donald Trump’s coronavirusbriefing on Wednesday when he used it as an opportunity to begin discussing his southern border wall.


The networks’ move came after several days of meandering presidential presentations that sounded more like Trump rallies than important medical briefings. As Deadline noted, CNN and MSNBC have faced inside turmoil from their own anchors, such as John King and Chuck Todd, who criticized them while on air.

在這些電視臺採取這一行動之前的幾天裡,總統的演講聽起來更像是特朗普的集會,而不是重要的醫療簡報。正如Deadline網站指出的那樣,CNN和MSNBC都面臨著來自他們自己主播的內部騷動,比如約翰·金(John King)和查克·託德(Chuck Todd),他們在節目中批評了CNN和MSNBC。

The decision to not air Trump’s coronavirus briefings is laudable. In an unprecedented time of global uncertainty about the world’s health, welfare, and the ability to walk outside our homes without contracting a deadly virus that may hang in the air, the president often has used his nationally broadcast time on the dais to spread lies and misleading information.


Trump’s comments about the coronavirus have ranged from inconsistent to racist, as well as detached from reality. Among other things, he downplayed the threat and referred to it as the “Chinese virus.” In one case, Trump’s uninformed coronavirus commentary potentially had a fatal cost: After Trump promoted chloroquine in a recent press conference as a treatment for COVID-19, the Arizona Republic reported that a man died after ingesting a form of chloroquine used to treat aquariums.

特朗普對冠狀病毒的評論從前後矛盾到種族主義,以及脫離現實。除此之外,他淡化了這種威脅,稱其為“中國病毒”。在一個案例中,特朗普不知情的冠狀病毒評論可能造成了致命的代價:在最近的一次新聞發佈會上,特朗普推廣氯喹作為一種治療covid19的藥物,《亞利桑那共和報》(Arizona Republic)報道稱,一名男子在服用了一種用於治療水族館的氯喹後死亡。


Still, while the networks’ decision is commendable, it’s also fantastically late. Misinformation is nothing new for him, which is why cable news outlets have drawn considerable criticism for dedicating significant air time to Trump. However, like Trump’s 2016 campaign rallies — which network heads have admitted were ratings hits — the president’s coronavirus briefings have attracted large viewership numbers.


Trump kicked off his 2016 presidential campaign by denigrating Mexicans as drug dealers. Now, rather than racist rhetoric or demonization of non-Republican political groups, his presentation of the coronavirus epidemic presents a real-time threat to public health.


News organizations have taken some steps over the last few years to filter Trump’s statements — mostly through rigorous fact checking or after-the-fact analysis — but it’s a half-measure when so many of the president’s lies are presented on-air.


The Daily Beast recently reported that CNN chief Jeff Zucker, who greenlit “The Apprentice” in 2004, defended the network’s decision to carry the press briefings because, Trump’s lies aside, it was important for viewers to hear important health information from experts such as Anthony Fauci, the country’s top coronavirus expert and a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force. Fair enough, but there’s no reason that the networks couldn’t air critical information from Fauci and other experts after their journalists compiled the relevant segments.

《每日野獸》最近報道,CNN首席Jeff Zucker在2004年批准“學徒”,為網絡決定把新聞發佈會,因為特朗普的謊言,這是重要的觀眾聽重要的Anthony Fauci健康信息等專家,中國最大的冠狀病毒專家,特朗普的冠狀病毒工作組的成員。很公平,但是在他們的記者編輯了相關片段之後,沒有理由網絡不能從福奇和其他專家那裡獲得關鍵信息。

News organizations should not ignore Trump’s myriad briefings and events — watchdog journalism is as essential as ever — but, as Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan noted, if the press values journalistic integrity over profits, it must recognize the importance of not letting the president spread lies on their platforms. That’s true for the industry’s coronavirus coverage — but there’s no reason it should be limited to the current pandemic.


