
視頻版講解 http://www.365yg.com/i6644858629449073165/#mid=1584825109660686

1. Make New Year's resolution 設定新年目標set goals 設定目標(也就是立flag)


He set goals for his plan.他為自己的未來計劃制定了目標。Jenny is making a New Year's resolution to read one book each month.珍妮的新年目標是每個月讀一本書。

2.turn over a new leaf 展開新的一頁

Angela has turned over a new leaf at school,she is handing in her homework on time.安吉拉在學校已改過自新,她準時交作業。

3.keep your New Year's resolution堅持住新年目標/你的目標

When there is no hope in life ,you should keep your goals.當生活沒有希望的時候,你應該堅持住你的目標。

4.stick 粘 sticky fingers 手腳不乾淨

He has sticky fingers.他手腳不乾淨。

5.stick with/stick to 堅持

You should stick with your New Year's resolution no matter what happens.無論發生什麼,你應該堅持你的新年目標when you don't know what to do,you should stick to your target.當你不知道幹什麼時,你應該堅持住你的目標。

6.stick to one's guns固執己見,不聽勸告

stick in a mud 某人不知變通,古板

He is a man who sticks to his guns.他這個人做事固執己見。He is such a stick in a mud.他這個人真的是不知變通。

