關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!

關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!


關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!



關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!


a. 無論是應對任何法學院的面試,你都必須要用心準備以下內容:簡歷及其他提交給法學院的申請材料;你對法律學習感興趣的原因(在美國學法律);你對這個特定法學院感興趣的原因。

b. 你還需要準備以下話題:一次學術或工作方面的經歷或成就;一次失敗經歷、犯過的錯誤或自己的弱點;一次在團隊工作的經歷。

c. 面試時應穿正裝,應提前到達面試現場或提前做好一切視頻面試的準備。

d. 準備至少兩個問題;

這些問題應包含Suck-up questions(問題本身顯示出你對法學院的興趣和了解),比如“I see that your Immigration Rights Clinic helps clients mount detention challenges, and I’m wondering how successful those challenges have been in the current political environment”;也可以包含一些你真的想了解的問題,比如“What’s student housing like?”

e. 面試後給你的面試官發送簡短有禮貌的“Thank you note”,如果你沒有面試官本人的Email地址,可以發送給Admissions office。

關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!



  • i) Why do you want to be a lawyer? [Duh.]
  • ii) What do you hope to do or accomplish with your JD?
  • iii) Why are you interested in X type of law?
  • iv) Why are you applying to law school now?
  • v) Why are you switching careers? (For older applicants.)
  • vi) What interests you about our school?
  • vii) Tell me about a time you were challenged while working on a team.
  • viii) Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle.
  • ix) What have you learned at your current job?
  • x) Why did you study [something you studied at grad school] and how will it inform your career?
  • xi) Tell me about a time you showcased leadership.
  • xii) Talk to me about [the hobbies or interests you listed on your resume].
  • xiii) What do you do for fun?


i) 學生A (2018/2019 cycle)

i. [Questions about professional and academic experience. Why law?]

ii) 學生B (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why law and why now?
  • ii. Why Harvard?
  • iii. Hypothetical: if at your time at [legal internship], you were to show up one day and find that your coworkers were your clones, what strengthens and challenges would you run into? [This is a clever way of saying “What are your strengths and weaknesses?]
  • iv. What are you afraid of, and what motivates you?
  • v. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee would say are the pros and cons of your application?
  • vi. If you were an admissions officer, what two qualities would you look for in a potential candidate?
  • vii. Do you have any questions for me?

iii) 學生C (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why law?
  • ii. Why Harvard?
  • iii. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee might think the strengths and weaknesses of your application might be?

iv) 學生D (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why law school and why now?
  • ii. What do you like about your current job? What do you dislike?
  • iii. Discuss a challenge or how you dealt with critical feedback.
  • iv. What’s a potential downside of your application? How might you address it?
  • v. What questions do yo have for us?

v) 學生E (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why law?
  • ii. Why Harvard?
  • iii. Which elective would you take?
  • iv. If you were a fly on the wall, what are some things that you imagine the committee would say about your application?
  • v. What are your questions for me?

vi) 學生F (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]?
  • ii. Why law?
  • iii. What excites you most about Harvard?
  • iv. What do you expect to be the biggest challenge?
  • v. Questions for us?


i) 學生A (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Tell me about your job at [an organization where you worked].
  • ii. Tell me about a social issue or current event that you’re following.
  • iii. Tell me about a book that influenced you or a book you’re currently reading.
  • iv. Which experience are you most proud of?
  • v. Why law?
  • vi. Why U Chicago?
  • vii. If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be with?

ii) 學生B (2017/2018 cycle)

  • i. If you could teach your fellow students at Chicago a class in anything, academic or not, what would you teach them?
  • ii. What type of law would you like to practice and where would you like to start your career?
  • iii. What would interest you about corporate law?
  • iv. What have you learned in your current job?
  • v. What interests you about the city of Chicago?
  • vi. Which headline would you like to see in the news?

iii) 學生C (2018/2019)

  • i. What makes you want to pursue law?
  • ii. If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with?
  • iii. What brings you to Chicago specifically?
  • iv. What is a book that changed your perspective on something?
  • v. Questions for us?


i) 學生A (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why did you decide to go to [grad school]?
  • ii. What do you want to do five years after graduating from law school?
  • iii. Why Columbia Law?
  • iv. When did you first start playing banjo?
  • v. What do you do to unwind?
  • vi. Questions for me?
  • vii. The interview lasted about 20 min

ii) 學生B (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. How did you end up [across the country] for college?
  • ii. Why law
  • iii. [Questions about professional experience.]
  • iv. Why Columbia?

iii) 學生C (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Describe your work history and how you went from [career in science] to [career in marketing] and now to law.
  • ii. Describe your undergrad educational experience and your achievements while in school.
  • iii. What do you look for in deciding to apply to a law school and what drew you to Columbia?
  • iv. What kind of student to you expect to be?
  • v. Questions for us?

University of Virginia

i) 學生A (2018/2019 cycle):

  • i. Why UVA?
  • ii. If I were to ask your best friend what your three best qualities are, what would they say?
  • iii. If I were to ask your best friend what your three biggest weaknesses are, what would they say?
  • iv. What is something that you think differently about or has changed about you personally as you have matured?
  • v. What is something that you have learned from playing trumpet?

ii) 學生B (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why UVA law?
  • ii. Why law?
  • iii. If you could go back to any time in your life and tell yourself something, what would it be?

Duke Financial Aid Interview Questions

i) 學生A (2018–2019 Cycle)

  • i. Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school.
  • ii. Tell me about an experience you had in an extracurricular, internship, or job that makes you proud, particularly one where you have to dig in.
  • iii. Law school goes by quickly. What sort of things do you hope to do in law school?
  • iv. Imagine you're sitting with your career counselor at Duke Law before starting 1L fall. What sorts of things would you tell them you hope to accomplish in your career after law school?
  • v. Do you have any questions for me?

ii) 學生B (2018–2019 Cycle)

  • i. Pick two things off of your resume to talk about.
  • ii. Tell us about how the skills you learned at [a job] would translate to law school
  • iii. What are you interested in doing at Duke Law?
  • iv. Hypothetically, what do you think you’ll be doing after law school?
  • v. What’s one thing that you might be scared or hesitant about in law school?
  • vi. Have you ever been to Durham? Would you be comfortable moving there?
  • vii. Is there anything that you want to add to your CSS profile for us to consider?

iii) 學生C (2018–2019 Cycle)

  • i. Explain your journey from your previous career to law.
  • ii. What's been your exposure to law so far?
  • iii. What do you plan to draw on from your previous background?
  • iv. How do you see yourself contributing to the community and what student organizations were you involved with in undergrad?


i) 學生A視頻面試 (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Describe a time where a failure led to a success.
  • ii. Did you have a pet growing up, and if not what would you have wanted and why?
  • iii. Describe a relationship that went from adversarial to amicable. How did that happen?
  • iv. Why Northwestern?
  • v. What is the one thing that you want the Admissions Committee to know about you?

ii) 學生B招生辦公室真人面試 (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. When you are facing a strict deadline for an important project, how do you organize and manage your time?
  • ii. Talk about a time when you were in conflict with another person, but then had a major revelation in seeing where they were coming from.
  • iii. Why Northwestern?
  • iv. Tell us about a time when you messed up an important play. How did you respond?
  • v. What is the one thing you most want the admissions committee to know about you?

iii) 學生C校友面試 (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. What is your leadership style?
  • ii. What is one thing you want the admissions committee to know about you?
  • iii. Tell me about a difficult time at work and how you handled it
  • iv. Name a mistake and how you would do things differently if given another chance
  • v. Why law?
  • vi. Why NU?
  • vii. Tell me about your senior thesis.
  • viii. How will you handle not being in the top of your class?

iv) 學生D校友面試 (2018/2019 cycle)

  • i. Why law?
  • ii. Why Northwestern?
  • iii. Tell me about a time you were a leader.
  • iv. What is the biggest challenge that you’ve faced so far?
  • v. Tell me about your current position.
  • vi. What is something that you’re not looking forward to in law school?
  • vii. What do you want to do after law school?


i) Cornell面經30題(據說口語面試題目皆出於此)

  • i. Why Cornell?
  • ii. Why Law?
  • iii. What do you expect from a Cornell Law Education?
  • iv. What will you add to the community?
  • v. What draws you to Ithaca (besides the fact that Cornell is there)?
  • vi. What advice would you give to someone who is selecting their undergraduate major and how does this apply to what you selected?
  • vii. Why did you select your undergraduate institution?
  • viii. What type of personality do you work best with?
  • ix. What are 3 adjectives your friends would use to describe you?
  • x. If you had one day to do anything at all, what would you do?
  • xi. What is your ideal instructional class size and why?
  • xii. What motivates you intrinsically?
  • xiii. Describe two things that make a great teacher.
  • xiv. What makes you believe you would be successful in a close-knit community? (Or something of that nature)
  • xv. Describe a meaningful experience in your own life.
  • xvi. What is your favorite book and why?
  • xvii. What is your favorite movie and why?
  • xviii. Who is your role model and why?
  • xix. How do you spend your leisure time?
  • xx. Describe an experience that has broadened your perspective.
  • xxi. What is your biggest failure and what did you learn?
  • xxii. What are you most proud of?
  • xxiii. Describe the best class you’ve taken.
  • xxiv. What do you plan to do with your JD degree?
  • xxv. Describe an academic or professional failure, and what did you learn?
  • xxvi. What are you most passionate about other outside school or work?
  • xxvii. If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where and why?
  • xxviii. A time you helped someone else accomplish their goal?
  • xxix. Describe an ideal law school
  • xxx. If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

ii) 寫作部分

  • i. What do you think of the Burka ban in France?
  • ii. The ABA is thinking about adopting a uniform bar exam. Good idea?
  • iii. Suppose someone gets injured playing Pokemon Go. (They fell into a ditch while looking at their phone or something). Should the creators of Pokemon Go be liable?
  • iv. If you could tell the president one thing, what would you say?
  • v. What do you do in your free time?
  • vi. What would you tell the US president?
  • vii. How many hours per week do you spend on social media?
  • viii. What was the most memorable class you took in university?
  • ix. Why is Ithaca for you?”


i) Georgetown校友面試會比較Conversational,和其他學校面經差別不大。如果面試者參加小組群面,通常面試題目為“假設你是招生官,你會不會錄取某同學?(可能會給你們幾個不同的情景和相關學生的資料檔案)”

*注:本文部分參考 https://blog.spiveyconsulting.com/which-law-schools-interview/;https://7sage.com/admissions/lesson/law-school-interviews/這兩篇文章,內容有修改,本中文譯稿系由本公眾號編寫及整理,本公眾號享有譯稿的著作權,轉載前請與本公眾號聯繫。

關於T14 JD面試的準備,這一篇文章就足夠了!

