

Outlines for Chapter 2, Section 2




Evaluating Economic Performance


- Every economic system has goals such as financial security and freedom to carry out economic choices.

- Goals serve as benchmarks that help us determine if the system meets most-if not all-of our need.

Economic and Social Goals


- These statements can be categorized into seven major economic and social

- Economic Freedom [one of the cornerstones of American society]

People like to choice their own occupations, and uses for their money.

Business owners like the freedom to choose where and how they produce.

- Economic Efficiency

Economic decision making must be efficient so that benefits gained are greater than costs incurred.

- Economic Equity

“Lemon law” [by the result that most people feel that advertisers should not be allowed to make false claims about their products] that allow new car buyers to return their cars if they have too many repairs.


  • (1)evaluating 评估,求值,绩效考评,评价阶段
  • (2)performance 表演,演出,艺术上的表现,演技,表现,性能,业绩,工作情况
  • (3)goal 球门,射门,进球得分,目标,目的
  • (4)financial security 金融安全,经济担保,财政担保
  • (5)benchmark 基准
  • (6)determine 查明,测定,准确算出,决定,形成,支配,影响,确定,裁决,安排
  • (7)categorize 分类
  • (8)cornerstone 基石,奠基石,最重要部分,基础,柱石
  • (9)occupation 工作,职业,消遣,业余活动,侵占,占领,占领期
  • (10)efficiency 效率,效能,功效,提高功效的方法,功率
  • (11)benefit 优势,益处,成效,福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金),(公司提供的)褔利,奖金,(保险公司支付的)给付,保险金
  • (12)incur 招致,遭受,引起,引致,带来(成本、花费等);cost incurred 花费的费用,实际成本
  • (13)equity (公司的)股本,资产净值,(公司的)普通股,公平,公正股权;economic equity 经济公平
  • (14)lemon 柠檬;Lemon law 伪劣商品赔还法,(美)次品汽车买主保护法,产品质量法,(给在规定时间内发现新车故障的买主以赔偿的)柠檬法案
  • (15)advertiser 广告商,广告人员,广告公司,登广告者
  • (16)false 错误的,不正确的,不真实的,非天生的,人造的,假的,伪造的

- Economic Security

Social Security — a federal program of disability and retirement benefits that covers most working people.

- More than 90 percent of American workers are included.

- Retirees, survivors, disabled persons, and medicare recipients are eligible for benefits.

- Survivors are spouses and children of deceased persons covered by Social Security.

- Medicare provides health insurance for persons 65 or older.

- Price Stability [another goal is to have stable prices.]

It makes budgeting easier and adds a degree of certainty to the future.

Inflation — a rise in the general level of price. If it occurs, workers need more money to pay for food, clothing, and shelter.

Fixed income — an income that does not increase even though prices go up. People who live on it find that bills are harder to pay and that planning for thr future is more difficult.

When there is inflation, interest rates tend to increase. High interest rates discourage business both from borrowing and spending.

- Economic Growth [the last goal of most Americans]

Growth is needed so that people can have more goods and services.

Since the nation’s population is likely to grow, economic growth is necessary to meet everyone’s needs.

- Feature Goals [these goals are ones in which most people seem to agree]


  • (17)disability 残疾, (某种)缺陷,障碍,(指状态、身心、学习等方面的)缺陷
  • (18)retiremen 退休,退职,退休年龄,退休生活,(尤指从体育、政治等方面的)退出,引退
  • (19)survivor 幸存者,生还者,挺过困难者
  • (20)disable 使丧失能力,使伤残,使无效,使不能运转
  • (21)medicare (美)(老年)医疗保险费,医疗服务,公办的医疗保险制
  • (22) recipient 收件人,受方,接受者
  • (23)eligible 有资格的,合格的,具备条件的,(指认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的,合适的,中意的
  • (24)spouse 配偶
  • (25)deceased 已故的,去世的
  • (26) stability 稳定(性),稳固(性)
  • (27)budget 预算,政府的年度预算
  • (28)inflation 通货膨胀,通胀率,充气
  • (29)occur 发生,出现,存在于,出现在
  • (30)fixed income 固定收益
  • (31) discourage 阻拦,阻止,劝阻,使灰心,使泄气,使丧失信心
  • (32) feature 特色,特征;feature goals 功能目标

Trade-Offs Among Goals


- Sometimes, the goals themselves might conflict with one another because even economic policies have opportunity costs.

- In case of the minimum wage, people compare their estimates of the costs against their estimates of benefits-and then exercise their right to vote for political candidates that support their position.

- For the most part, people, business, and government usually are able to resolve conflicts among goals.

- The economic system in US is flexible enough to allow choices, accommodate compromises, and still satisfy the majority of Americans most of the time.


  • (33)trade-off 取舍,顾此失彼
  • (34)conflict 冲突,争执,争论,(军事)冲突,战斗,抵触,矛盾,不一致
  • (35)economic policies 经济政策
  • (36)opportunity 机会,时机;opportunity costs 机会成本
  • (37)minimum wage (法定)最低工资
  • (38)candidate (竞选或求职的)候选人,申请人,投考者,应试者,参加考试的人,被认定适合者,被认定有某种结局者
  • (39)flexible 能适应新情况的,灵活的,可变动的,柔韧的,可弯曲的,有弹性的
  • (40)accommodate为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等),容纳,为…提供空间,考虑到,顾及
  • (41)compromise 妥协,折中,互让,和解,妥协(或折中)方案,达成妥协(或和解)

