1. 中國經濟穩中向好
The Chinese economy has continued its stable and sound performance:這裡 stable表示穩定, sound指的是“合理的”,會有好的結果的。
2. 我們堅持穩中求進工作總基調
We followed the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability:這裡換成了動詞詞組,“求進”用pursue progress表示。
3. 促進外貿穩中提質
We will promote stable and higher quality growth of foreign trade.
“提質”,也就是追求高質量的發展/增長,higher quality growth。
4. 現在中國經濟的走勢是緩中趨穩、穩中向好。
Despite the moderation in speed, the performance of the Chinese economy is stable and moving in a positive direction. “緩”指的是發展速度,而“好”指的是發的發展方向。
performance, progress, growth或direction,遇到類似的句子記得舉一反三。5. 京津冀協同發展、長江經濟帶發展、粵港澳大灣區建設等國家戰略穩步實施。
National strategies such as the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area were steadfastly implemented.
除了 stable,stability,stabilize 以外。有時候“穩”字還會用steadfast一詞,這個時候就表達是“堅定不移 firm and unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve。
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