



1. 如何结束一个话题?会议当中肯定会有多个议题,那么如果结束一个议题呢?(close an item)

I think that takes care of the first item.

Shall we leave that item?

Why do not we move on to...

If nobody has anything else to add, let's...


2. 如何进入下一个议题?(move to next item)

Let's move on to the next item.

Now that we have discussed topic A, let's now...

The next item on today's agenda is...

Now we come to the question of...

3. 引出下一个人发言(give control to the next participant):

I'd like to hand over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the next point.

Next, (name of participant) is going to take us through...

Now, I'd like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to...


4.总结会议(summarize meeting):

Before we close today's meeting, let me just summarize the main points.

Let me quickly go over today's main points.

To sum up...

OK, why don't we quickly summarize what we have done today.

In brief...

Shall I go over the main points?

5. 结束会议(finish up a meeting):

Right, it looks as though we have covered the main items.

If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up.

Let's bring this to a close for today.

Is there any other business?


6.感谢与会者(thank attendance):

I'd like to thank xxx and xxx for coming over from Chengdu.

Thank you all for attending.

Thanks for your participation.

7.结束会议(close the meeting):

The meeting is finished, we will see each other next...

The meeting is closed.

I declare the meeting closed.

