英語閱讀理解——如何幫助那些不會使用視頻呼叫技術的老人?(附參考答案與解析 )

英語閱讀理解——如何幫助那些不會使用視頻呼叫技術的老人?(附參考答案與解析 )

英語閱讀理解——如何幫助那些不會使用視頻呼叫技術的老人?(附參考答案與解析 )


words:335 time:6΄

As the government encourages “social distancing” in the fight against coronavirus, people are facing the prospect of being told to stay at home for weeks. But what if a parent or older person in your life doesn’t already have access to video calling tech?

“You might want to consider getting a specialized device to make video calls to your loved ones,” says Kate Bevan, an editor of a consumer magazine. “Once they’re set up, they’re very simple to use but you do have to dig through settings in their apps to connect them and that’s not always as easy as it might be.”

Age UK, the charity for older people, says that the choice of technology should be “as user-friendly as possible” for those unaccustomed to controlling video-chat software. “Something integrated like a video call app on a smartphone, tablet or a laptop with a built-in camera, for example, will often be easier,” says Caroline Abrahams, the charity director. “Older people may also prefer physical interfaces (界面) like a mouse rather than a touchscreen.”

“To protect people’s privacy, it will be important to ensure that any new devices are secure and not likely to be hacked (非法入侵), and that anyone using a new device has access to ongoing support to help them learn how to use it and deal with any issues or problems,” she adds.

An integrated kit can be the easiest solution. Amazon, Google, and Facebook all have smart devices with screens for video calls. One problem with all these devices is their expense and another is their need to be on a stable wi-fi connection at all times. Sometimes, a smartphone might be the better option.

But a new smartphone, even a mid-range one, can be much more expensive. And Bevan warns against hand-me-downs past a certain age. Apart from lower camera quality, there can be security concerns. “If you’re considering passing old smartphones and tablets on to a relative, do be careful that they’re still getting security updates,” she says.

Reading comprehension

( ) 1. What difficulty might older people face during the fight against coronavirus?

A. They cannot use video calling tech.

B. They are not interested in video calling.

C. They fail to afford to buy video devices.

D. They have to stay at home for several weeks.

( ) 2. What kind of device should we choose for older people?

A. The device which is user-friendly and portable.

B. The device which employs physical connection.

C. The device which is equipped with special apps.

D. The device which has a camera and touchscreen.

( ) 3. Which of the following can explain the underlined “these devices”?

A. Mid-range devices with a built-in camera.

B. Expensive smartphones sold by Amazon.

C. Smart devices with screens for video calls.

D. Integrated gadgets with a stable wi-fi connection.

( ) 4. What advice does Bevan give to us when we give a smartphone to the elderly?

A. We have to buy the elderly an expensive one.

B. We should help the elderly set up proper apps.

C. We can give a high-quality phone to the elderly.

D. We must ensure the smartphone gets security updates.



1-4 ABCD



1. A。細節理解題。根據第一段可知,老人在抗擊新冠肺炎期間面臨的困難是還不會使用視頻呼叫技術。

2. B。細節理解題。根據第三段可知,老年人更喜歡使用鼠標之類的物理接入設備,而不太喜歡觸摸屏。

3. C。詞義猜測題。根據第五段第二、三句可知,these devices指的是上文提到的:亞馬遜、谷歌和臉書都有觸屏式視頻通話智能設備。

4. D。細節理解題。根據最後一段最後一句可知,如果你考慮把舊的智能手機或平板電腦給家人使用時,它們要有安全更新。

英語閱讀理解——如何幫助那些不會使用視頻呼叫技術的老人?(附參考答案與解析 )

