新概念英語第三冊 Lesson19 重點詞彙,句型,語法解析,及翻譯

新概念英語第三冊 Lesson19 A very dear cat 重點詞彙,句型,語法解析,及翻譯


dear adj. 親愛的,珍貴的;昂貴的,kidnapper n. 綁架者,拐騙者,considerable adj. 相當大的,wealthy adj. 富的,有錢的,orderly adj. 有規律的,disappearance n. 失蹤,anonymous adj. 匿名的,ransom n. 贖金,cardboard n. 硬紙板,withdraw v. (從銀行)取錢,punctually adv. 準時地,astound v. 使吃驚


the most anonymous part of northwest Washington 華盛頓西北部最無特色的地區

< 貶 > ( 無特色的;無個性特徵的

Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote.當然,那必須通過不記名投票的方式。

You can remain anonymous if you wish.如果你希望,你可以不透露姓名。

The painting was bought by an anonymous bidder.這幅畫被一個未披露姓名的競拍者購得。


同義詞:pull out; remove; take out; take back; stop taking part; move away;

1.Unless Hitler withdrew his troops from Poland by 11 o'clock that morning, a state of war would exist between Great Britain and Germany.除非希特勒那天上午11點前從波蘭撤兵,否則英德兩國便會處於交戰狀態。

2.She withdrew the key from the door.她從門上抽出鑰匙。

3.He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sheet of notepaper.他把手伸進口袋,掏出一張便條紙。

4.When workers retire, they can withdraw money from the plan.當工人們退休了,他們能從計劃中收回金錢。

5.No central bank is about to withdraw any emergency measures.沒有哪國央行即將撤回任何的應急措施。

6.Some seek to withdraw from this situation, others to resist it.一些人尋求躲之避之,另一些人則要鬥之抗之。

7.He withdrew £750 from his account.他從自己的賬戶裡取了750英鎊。

Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money.開一個取款時不會亂收費的儲蓄賬戶。

