萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇



萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇


Jingyi Wang, PharmD, University of Cincinnati, College of Pharmacy

Yutong Yang, PharmD candidate, University of Washington, School of Pharmacy

Christine Dai, PharmD candidate, University of Washington, School of Pharmacy

Tracy Zhang, PharmD candidate, The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy


Zhen Zhang, PharmD, BCPS, RPCCC


林琳 華僑大學醫學院

杜青青 重慶醫科大學附屬第二醫院


The new vancomycin guideline and elaborating pearls -- Part I

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第一篇


The new vancomycin guideline and elaborating pearls -- Part II

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第二篇


The new vancomycin guideline and elaborating pearls -- Part III

05 AUC指導的劑量調整







一級動力學方程可以用作替代 Bayesian 軟件的方法,對萬古黴素進行監測和劑量調整。此方法需要兩個穩態時的血清萬古黴素濃度(C1、C2)。理想情況下,在完成萬古黴素輸注後的1-2小時獲得C1;在下個劑量給藥前測C2,接近谷濃度(Ctrough)。


🔺方法 1 (Pai, 2014) [12]:

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

🔱 標註:輸液時間為t’,在t1時獲得C1,t2時獲得C2,推算輸注結束時的濃度為 Ceoi’


萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

🔺方法 2 (Pai, 2014) [12]:

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

🔱 標註:推算輸注開始時的濃度 Csoi’


萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇



💠 計算Ke(消除速率常數)

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

💠 如果上述兩個隨機藥物濃度不在波峰和波谷水平,請找到患者的峰濃度 Cpeak 和谷濃度 Cmin。對於萬古黴素,Cpeak是給藥後一小時對應的濃度,Cmin為給藥前半小時對應的濃度。

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

💠 計算Vd(表觀分佈容積)

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇
萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇







〽假設萬古黴素的MIC為1 mg/L

〽即使MIC<1 mg/L,也不推薦減少劑量

〽重要的是,在重症患者中最好通過BMD法驗證MIC。當MICBMD>1 mg/L時,使用常規劑量達到目標AUC/MIC≥400的可能性較低。

根據最近的國內外研究,MRSA對萬古黴素的敏感性一直保持不變,超過90%的分離株的MIC≤1 mg/L,且在未來的20年中潛變的可能性較小。因此,在監測中將MIC設定為1 mg/L。

MIC的測量方法共有5種,包括:BD Phoenix法、MicroScan Walk Away法、Vitek 2法、Etest法及BMD法。由於上述5種方法中MIC的結果差異大,即使MIC顯示<1 mg/L,也不建議減少給藥劑量。

在感染MRSA的重症患者中,必須通過標準化方法(最好是BMD法)驗證MIC。Etest法可能會產生比BMD法高1.5-2倍的稀釋值,所以400-600的 AUC/MICBMD 比值相當於200-400的 AUC/MICEtest 比值。

萬古黴素最新指南要點分析和臨床知識點延伸 -- 第三篇

四 條


1. Men, Peng, et al. “Association between the AUC0-24/MIC Ratio of Vancomycin and Its Clinical Effectiveness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” PloS One., vol. 11, no. 1, 2016, p. E0146224.

2. Michael Rybak, Pharm.D., M.P.H., Ben Lomaestro, Pharm.D., John C. Rotschafer, Pharm.D., Robert Moellering, Jr., M.D., William Craig, M.D., Marianne Billeter, Pharm.D., BCPS, Joseph R. Dalovisio, M.D., Donald P. Levine, M.D., Therapeutic monitoring of vancomycin in adult patients: A consensus review of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 66, Issue 1, 1 January 2009, Pages 82–98, https://doi-org.offcampus.lib.washington.edu/10.2146/ajhp080434

3. Del Mar Fernández de Gatta Garcia M Revilla N Calvo MV et al. . Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of vancomycin in ICU patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006; 33:279–85.

4. Adane, Eyob D, et al. “Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Extremely Obese Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Staphylococcus Aureus Infections.” Pharmacotherapy : Official Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 127–139.

5. Young, Tramaine, et al. “Methodological Study of Vancomycin Dosing in Elderly Patients Using Actual Serum Creatinine Versus Rounded Serum Creatinine.” Drugs in R & D., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 435–440.

6. Garcia L. 2010. Broth Microdilution MIC Test, p 25-41. In Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 3rd Edition. ASM Press, Washington, DC. doi: 10.1128/9781555817435.ch5.2

7. Rowena Jenkins, Sarah Maddocks, in Bacteriology Methods for the Study of Infectious Diseases, 2019

8. Rybak, Michael J, et al. “Evaluation of Vancomycin Susceptibility Testing for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: Comparison of Etest and Three Automated Testing Methods.” Journal of Clinical Microbiology : JCM., vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 2077–2081.

9. S. J. van Hal, T. P. Lodise, D. L. Paterson, The Clinical Significance of Vancomycin Minimum Inhibitory Concentration in Staphylococcus aureusInfections: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 54, Issue 6, 15 March 2012, Pages 755–771, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/cir935

10. Hale, Cory M, et al. “Are Vancomycin Trough Concentrations of 15 to 20 Mg/L Associated With Increased Attainment of an AUC/MIC ≥ 400 in Patients With Presumed MRSA Infection?” Journal of Pharmacy Practice., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 329–335.

11. Patel N, Pai MP, Rodvold KA, Lomaestro B, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Vancomycin: we can’t get there from here. Clin Infect Dis. 2011; 52(8):969-974.

12. Pai MP, Neely M, Rodvold KA, Lodise TP. Innovative approaches to optimizing the delivery of vancomycin in individual patients. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2014; 77:50-57.

