
Does China have cars?

Ang Willian, lived in China

Answered Aug 18, 2018

Obviously not.Why do you ask such a foolish question like this?


In China,all local people have an amazing skill,which is called Mitsurugi.Lots of people in China use this skill to ride with one sword or even more.Even if a three years old child can take control of one sword.All Chinese get to work by riding swords,so you may see more than a thousand swords flying in the sky.Therefore,cars are not essential at all.If you fall down,you can use Chi to lift you up.That's also why Chinese LOL players are obsessed with Yasuo.They are very pleasant to see such a familiar man in the game.


Does America have cars?



Stone W

Answered Mar 28, 2018

No need of cars. It's just a normal life skill like these pictures. You cannot graduate from Chinese high-school if you can not do one of these normal simple things.

I have to stop typing words, because I am flying now





Yixuan Li

Answered Mar 8

No. We are too poor to afford cars.

In North China, kids ride horses to school




Kids from poor families ride donkeys to school



In Southern China, where the climate is not suitable for horse or donkey breeding, kids ride water buffalo to school



In the really really far South, kids ride boats to school.



In the Northwest, where the climate is dry, kids ride camels to school



Yes, this is China in the 21st Century, we don't have cars, or anything for that matter. Such a tragedy isn't it?


But YOU can help! By donating to these poor kids, only $20 a month. Small change, big difference! Add me privately for more details.


Just kidding. But this obviously isn't a serious question, so here is my non-serious answer.

Serious answer? Yes. We do have cars. A LOT!




Damien Defranco, Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Consultant & Mentor

Damien Defranco,連續創業者,風險投資家,顧問和導師

Answered Jul 24, 2018

No, China can't afford cars. Even though China has the fastest growing economy in the world even though they have the highest technology and advanced cities even compared to the west. They just don't have any cars.

It's all bikes. All motorcycles.





I remember when I first went to China in 2010, and I got off the plane and exited the airport.

The only thing available was rickshaws, or else I'd have to walk. Well walking would take too long.



So during my time there, I did what everyone else did. I bought an electric bike too. Got me from A to B.



Don Last

Answered Sep 15, 2018

The fact is China does not exist!

The American government fabricated this country after USSR broke up in 1991.The American government wanted to rule the world and make all people in the world become its servant .It needed a rival so it so it can claim that the world's security .So the American sent military forces to all parts of the world in order to make world stay in peace. It's just a cable.

You can see that my nationality is"China".But actually I'm somewhere of the US frontier. The historican in America fabricated the Fire-thousand-year history of this forged rival with its "language"




You may once went to "China",but actually the plane or the ship which carrid you wrer moving in circle, taking youto aremote place of American frontier where can find many people speak "Chinese" . The language was 瑪德真羞恥Indian dialect and people who spoke it were hired by American government.


In fact, China doesn't exist.











