
1.weak adj.软弱的(形容能力,或在某个领域很差)

You are so weak 你太逊/赖/弱了。

Bobby is weak in maths.Bobby 的数学很逊。

2.trash talk vt .说别人坏话

When she is upset /mad,she trash talks everything.


3.pain in the neck=pain in the butt(烟蒂,屁股)=pain in the ass n.烦恼,痛处

This new project is a pain in the neck.


4.pervert n.变态,vt 使反常

(1)The way bobby looks at me is really /so perverted.

Bobby 看我的眼神真是够变态的。

(2)The man next door is really pervert he always stares at me ,when never I walk by .


5. get paid vt.得到薪酬,拿到薪水

get one's salary =get paid 拿到多少薪水

(1)I see that you bought yourself a new car,how much do you get paid?


(2).How much do you get paid ?=How much do you get your aslary ?


(3).I hope I get paid well .我希望报酬还不错。

6. miss v.错过,想念,没赶上(任何末赶上,末达成的事情均可用)

I missed the work for three days because I was sick.


7. rival v.竞争;n.能与。。。。。匹敌的对手。

quota n.业绩,配额,定量

The rival department are in a race to increase their sales before the end of month.


8. nine to five n.朝九晚五的

I don't like nine to five kind of job. 我不喜欢朝九晚五的工作。

9.quit v.辞职,放弃(主动的,用于非正式场合)

resign 放弃,辞职(公众人物,高职务的人,用与正式场合)

I quit .我不干了,我放弃了。

Bobby quit his part -time job ,because he is going back to school.

Bobby 因为复学辞去了兼职。

part-time job 兼职

full-time job 全职

10. bonus n.资金,红利,奖励,赠品。

Everyone received a big bonus because the company made a lot of money.
