
作者威廉·瓊斯(William Jones)系美國《全球策略信息》雜誌華盛頓分社社長,現為中國人民大學重陽金融研究院外籍高級研究員。




儘管短期內中國經濟會有損失,但我堅信,隨著時間的推移,中國在走向復興的道路上會變得更加強大。中國為世界做出了很多貢獻,尤其是在過去二十年裡,現在中國雖受疫情所擾,但還在持續影響著在“一帶一路”倡議下已獲益的非洲、東南亞和中亞地區。當中國從這一可怕的疫情中恢復過來,它將再次顯示其強大的力量。我們的心與武漢和湖北人民同在,與全體中國人民同在。中國,加油!威廉·瓊斯(William Jones)

The outbreak of the coronavirus in China came as a great shock to the world. And the emergency measures taken by the Wuhan authorities and by the Central Government have been singularly important in attempting to limit the spread of the disease in China and the rest of the world. The courageous efforts of the Chinese medical personnel and the citizenry in dealing with an overwhelming event which tested the capacity of the extensive medical infrastructure in the city has represented a degree of heroism seen otherwise only in the case of war.

While the overall extent of the spread of the virus is still not known, the fact that new cases have been largely contained within Hubei province attests to the success of the mobilization and the cost born by the the local populace which has been great, has been of great benefit in perhaps having this develop into a pandemic, and creating the conditions for ultimately conquering the virus.

While voices have been raised in the West attributing blame to China for the occurrence of the virus and using the crisis for cheap political gain, the majority of people, both here in the United States and world-wide are in sympathy with the people of China in this great crisis and working to help China weather through it.And weather it, it will because of the nature of the Chinese people and the total commitment shown by the Chinese Government to commit all resources in that effort.

And while there will be economic costs for China in the short run, I am convinced that it will with time emerge even stronger in its march toward rejuvenation. While China has given much to the world, particularly in the last two decades, the difficulties China now faces also affect the continuation of the good it has accomplished – in Africa, and Southeast and Central Asia with the Belt and Road Initiative.This remains as an historic landmark in the history of man and will manifest its full strength again when China has recovered from this horrific development. Our hearts go out to the people in Wuhan and Hubei and to all the Chinese people. zhongguo, jiayou!(中國加油)