Update:湖南無新增確診病例 在院治療26例,累計出院988例

三湘都市報·新湖南客戶端3月10日訊(記者 李琪)2020年3月9日0-24時,湖南省報告新型冠狀病毒肺炎新增確診病例0例,新增重症病例0例,新增死亡病例0例,新增出院病例9例。其中:








During the 24 hours of March 9, no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in Hunan. No new victims were in critical condition, no new patients died of the disease, and 9 more patients were discharged from hospitals.

Among the newly-recovered cases, 8 are in Changsha and 1 in Zhuzhou.

As of 24:00 on March 9, a total of 1,018 cumulative confirmed cases had been reported in Hunan, including 150 cumulative in critical condition. Four people had died, and 988 patients had been discharged from hospitals. There are now 6 in critical condition and 26 treated in hospitals.

Among the confirmed cases, 242 are in Changsha, 48 in Hengyang, 80 in Zhuzhou, 36 in Xiangtan, 102 in Shaoyang, 156 in Yueyang, 82 in Changde, 5 in Zhangjiajie, 60 in Yiyang, 39 in Chenzhou, 44 in Yongzhou, 40 in Huaihua, 76 in Loudi, and 8 in Xiangxi.

Among the patients who remain in critical condition, 2 are in Changsha and Loudi each, and 1 in Zhuzhou and Shaoyang each. Among the dead, there are 2 in Changsha, and 1 in Shaoyang and Yueyang each.

Among the patients who were discharged from hospitals, 224 are in Changsha, 48 in Hengyang, 77 in Zhuzhou, 36 in Xiangtan, 100 in Shaoyang, 151 in Yueyang, 82 in Changde, 5 in Zhangjiajie, 60 in Yiyang, 39 in Chenzhou, 44 in Yongzhou, 40 in Huaihua, 74 in Loudi, and 8 in Xiangxi.

A total of 27,027 close contacts have been traced, among whom 163 are under medical observation while 26,864 others have been discharged.

This article is from Hunan Provincial Government www.enghunan.gov.cn.

Translator: Yu Jiangjiang